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March 29, 2014

Kevin Na


Q.   69.  7-under par, 5th position?
KEVIN NA:  I played solid today.  I hit a lot of good shots.  Good chip-in and overall a great day.

Q.  Couple of weeks ago played well at Valspar.  What's been the key to your golf game right now?
KEVIN NA:  Keep the ball in front of me and rolling some putts.  When I do make mistakes it's playable where it's right around the green and I've been able to get those up and down.
I think the only thing tomorrow I got to do is to take better advantage of the par-5s.

Q.  How was the course today?
KEVIN NA:  It was difficult but the officials did a great job of setting it up where it was fair.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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