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May 12, 2013
Q. Can you just talk about your round today?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, it was a really solid round. I kept the ball in front of me, hit a ton of fairways, really hit a lot of greens. Not sure of the total number, but it was the majority of them, and I was fortunate to have a really nice finish and birdie two of the last three.
Q. Are you surprised at how packed this leaderboard is?
KEVIN STREELMAN: These greens are getting really firm, and much faster today than they were even the last two days, so not too surprised. I had to hit some really good shots just to save pars, and you never know when you post a good score.
Q. What is it about today to post that 67; what worked?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I just hit it great. I was smart on my putts. I didn't attack really fast putts and had a couple good looks and was able to make some good advantage of those. Just stayed really patient.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports