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April 28, 2013

Peter Whiteford


Q.  Thoughts on a good week?
PETER WHITEFORD:  Yeah, I'm sure once it's all settled, yeah, great week.  Probably made just enough to keep my card now.  I know that's not what I should be thinking about, but done that and can press on for the rest of the season.
Guys like me don't get many chances to win tournaments, and whatever it was, four or five feet, hit a decent putt and didn't go in.  But to be fair, at least we got beat by a three on the last and didn't throw it away.  Brett deserves it in the playoff there.  It was good.

Q.  You were smiling on the way back down from that playoff, presumably it was mixed feelings at the time.
PETER WHITEFORD:  Yeah, I had a great chance, only had 5‑iron into the par5.  Bailed out a wee bit and tried to play a wee bit save and tried to make sure I made four.
Yeah, hit an average‑y chip, and well, I thought it was a decent putt but obviously misread it.  Yeah, take the positives and press on, go to China next week and see if we can go one better.

Q.  I trust you do know you can win one of these one day, you've knocked on the door.
PETER WHITEFORD:  Yeah, not enough know.  Yeah, look, the way the season has gone, this is tremendous.  So yeah, press on and see what happens in the future.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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