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April 20, 2013

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/J. Tsonga
6‑3, 7‑6

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  You were very close to a perfect match with two good sets, then a loss of concentration at 5‑1.
RAFAEL NADAL:  If you see the match, conditions are there when we started the match were a little tough, then it was a little bit better.  My feeling was I played a solid first set without do nothing special, but with no mistakes and trying to make him‑‑ you know, to put him not in easy positions to attack the ball.  And with the wind, put the ball inside, is not a negative thing.
My feeling in second set, to be 5‑1, I played these points well.  I think Jo started the second set playing very bad with a lot of mistakes, more than usual.  When you are 5‑1 and you feel that you didn't play a lot to be in that position, when the opponent feels that he's already lost, you know, he started to hit every ball, he passed playing very bad to play very well.
So after not winning the 5‑1, not the 5‑2 ‑ the 5‑2 I played a great game.  I only played one bad point with deuce, and I had easy mistake with my forehand.  For the rest, he served well, great.  When you feel in the position that you are 5‑3 after having the match completely under control and you feel the opponent start to play much better, he play aggressive, I play a bit shorter, is true, but all the balls in the last hour of the match I was winning, I start to lose all that balls because his shots start to be much more aggressive at that moment.
So that's what happened.

Q.  How did you feel your game today compared to yesterday?  Do you feel your finding your best rhythm?
RAFAEL NADAL:  No (smiling).  I think I played great yesterday, the first set.  Better than I did today, the first set of yesterday.  Today the conditions were completely different.  Is true that for me is better if we see a little bit more the sunshine.  Important thing, I am in the final.  Is great for me to be in the final.  Is fantastic new, playing five tournaments in a row after injury, being in five finals in a row is great.  Very happy for everything.  We'll see tomorrow.  Will be very tough.

Q.  Are you happy to play against Djokovic again?
RAFAEL NADAL:  No.  I am not this kind of players that they are stupid and say, No, I want to play against the best.  No, I don't want.  I want to play against another opponent that is easier (smiling).
I play against Djokovic, so I going to try my best to play my best match and try to give me a chance to win the final.  But is not the perfect opponent.

Q.  Last 10 matches against him have all been finals.  You won the last three.  He won the seven before that.  Is it still a special feeling playing against him?
RAFAEL NADAL:  If you don't feel a special feeling when you are playing the final of Monte‑Carlo, first thing is better you come back home and you play golf and fishing.  That's the first thing, no?
Then today I am No.5 of the world, defending a lot of points in the next few months.  The normal thing is still going a little bit behind on the ranking.  But we played lot of important matches when we were 1 against 2, 2 against 3.  Always is special play against a player like him.
He brings you to the limit of your game if you want to have chances to win.  I know I have to play better than what I did today and yesterday to try to win tomorrow.  I have to play more aggressive.  I gonna try.  I don't know.
I think is great after lot of time being outside of the courts, be back and play another time these kind of matches like I did in finals of Acapulco, last three rounds of Indian Wells, and now here.  These kind of matches are special all the time.  I am very happy to have the chance to play these kind of matches another time.

Q.  How much have you watched of Novak's matches this week?
RAFAEL NADAL:  Not much.  I watch little bit against Youzhny the first day, first set, little bit against Monaco that's it.  Yesterday and today I didn't watch.

Q.  In the past years Federer/Nadal was the biggest rivalry.  Last year since you were injured, Federer was 30, so on, they started to say Murray/Djokovic could be the new rivalry.  Do you see yourself putting up a rivalry with you and Djokovic as good as the one you had with Federer or it's impossible that can happen?
RAFAEL NADAL:  The only people that can say that are the fans, are the people from outside tennis.  Because the rivalries, these classic matches, became classic matches because the people likes.  We can ask the people if he likes the same when I am playing against Djokovic or I am playing against Federer.  But is something have to say the people from outside.

Q.  Do you think the emotions tomorrow will be just a little different because you, as you said earlier this week, are finding your way a little bit after your comeback, and he's been troubled with his ankle, and he's finding his way a little bit?  Do you think it will be a slightly more cagey match tomorrow?
RAFAEL NADAL:  I think it's no comparation [sic] between him and me.  He stop for, what, few days for his ankle?  Is not comparation [sic].

Q.  I am not saying it's a comparison necessarily.  He's talked all week about struggling with his movement.  You talked about not feeling your game is quite there yet.
RAFAEL NADAL:  I need time.  I need time.  I cannot say nothing about him because I don't know him, his conditions.
But talk about me, I know I need time to be 100% fit.  I'm talking about physical performance, to don't feel this physical problems in some parts of my body when I'm playing matches every day.  That takes time.  That's what I think.

Q.  What is the key when playing Djokovic on clay or anywhere?
RAFAEL NADAL:  Play great.  To win these kind of matches, always the key is play a fantastic match.  We can talk about tactics, yes.  But the only thing that really makes you win is play fantastic match.  That's simple.  The sport sometimes is not that complicate.

Q.  You played Djokovic 15 times in finals.  Which is for you the most memorable of these finals?
RAFAEL NADAL:  The worst?

Q.  The most memorable, what you remember best.
RAFAEL NADAL:  Oh, final of Australia was great.

Q.  But you lost.
RAFAEL NADAL:  That's sport.  I can win, I can lose.  You ask me what's memorable for me or what's memorable for the match?  I answered you what I really feel was memorable (smiling).
I think the final of Australian Open, six hours, I think it's memorable.  Memorable for me was all the times was when I winned [sic].  For sure, final of Roland Garros last year was special for me after losing three Grand Slams in a row against him.
The final here and Rome last year were very important.  For me, I felt that I was fighting and trying to find solutions all the time for doing almost one year and a half to try to change the dynamic that happened I think in 2011 against him.
So finally when you fight for something, you work hard for something, finally you do, that's the more emotional thing.  Trophies, victories, titles are very important for one reason, that's why all the players, we are here to try to win.
But then what really makes me happy in my case is see that I am improving all the time and I am able to improve myself all the time and to change dynamics like I changed last year.
Today is a different history, different year.  All of that forgetted when you are outside.  But I happy to play against him another time.  Is a test for me at the same time to see how I am, especially if I am feeling, you know, healthy tomorrow and competitive.  Is going to be great to play against a player like him.  We'll see.

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