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April 10, 2013
Q. How do you compare the second time around to the first time? Is it a lot more knowledge?
Q. Do you feel like you know your way around?
MATTEO MANASSERO: I don't feel like I know my way around 100percent. I think it takes more than two years to know about it, but I certainly feel more knowledge, more knowledgeable about the course.
And just to be more responsible. I'm a professional, you know, I feel much more the competition this time. And last time it was a lot more about enjoying it. And it was great to have that opportunity because not many amateurs can have that. I guess you make some experiences that you wouldn't be able to make as a professional, so it was great.
Q. Is there anything you would do‑‑ are doing differently now compared to the first time?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Well, I'm certainly more used to‑‑ more used to major situations. I have played more Majors. At that time I only had played the Open some months before. So that's the biggest change.
Q. As far as your schedule, your routine, whether your parents are around, things like that?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Things like that, ordinary things?
Q. Yeah, that you changed up this time.
MATTEO MANASSERO: Of course I changed them, you know, compared to 2010. It was just‑‑ I was going to start as a professional.
Q. You were 16?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Yeah, I was going to start as a professional just after the Masters and things have developed, of course. I got in the Top 50, and Top 50 players have got the privilege of doing a certain schedule. And makes such a big difference.
You can play your way around the world, playing European Tour, a bit of the PGA Tour. And at the moment it's like that, I'm playing a bit of both. And that's the way it's going. But things have changed. I grew up as a‑‑
Q. Do you think when you are an amateur they are pulling at you, you need to be here, you need to be there, but when you are a professional you have more control over your situation?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Yeah, you‑‑ not at the beginning. At the beginning as a professional, you need to have great people close to you that suggest to you the right things to do. That's key because you don't have the experience to pick certain events rather than some‑‑ pick the right events. That's what I have been learning what is best for me, and it's very important to have the chance to play many events.
Q. What emotions are you going through now compared to the first time? The first time must have been so exciting, kind of a dreamy experience and this is more business‑like?
MATTEO MANASSERO: This is more business‑like, as you said, yes. I'm more focused into performing well and scoring well and playing my game and doing all the stuff that I have done in 2010, of course.
I was focused at that time, as well, but it's more about competing. At that time it was more about living the atmosphere of Augusta.
Q. What was the reaction at home in Italy the first time compared to now? Did they go crazy the first time?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Yeah, nobody expected it, of course. Me, first, I didn't expect to play as well as I did in 2010 here. Right now people expect me to play well in the Masters, to compete well in the Masters. I expect that as well.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports