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March 22, 2013

Kyle Dake


THE MODERATOR:  37‑0, Kyle Dake.  You've made it to the final.  What are your thoughts?
KYLE DAKE:  You know, it feels good to be back.  I'm just really excited for tomorrow.

Q.  Looking to tomorrow night's match, does it need to be low scoring for you to win?
KYLE DAKE:  Definitely not.  I can score points.  I can score points when I need to, if it comes down to it.  I'm willing to throw down.

Q.  Talk about the semifinal match with Tyler Caldwell.  What was different about that one than when you wrestled him in New York City.
KYLE DAKE:  He had a different game plan.  He had a low stance, solid, and then when he got close enough he would lock me up with a tie and it made things difficult to get going.

Q.  David Taylor just picked up his fourth pin.  Does the way he performs earlier in the tournament affect any way you approach this mentally?
KYLE DAKE:  Just another match for me.  Obviously he's looking pretty good, but I'm not too worried about it.

Q.  Can you talk a little bit about both your styles?  He does pin his way through the basket to get to you and you hadn't surrendered a point in the first three rounds or whatever?
KYLE DAKE:  Did I give up a point last night?  Four rounds.  Let's make that four rounds.  Compare and contrast if you were a guy to look at both of you, are you different in those ways, what is different?
He's a goer, and that's his MO.  I can‑‑ my defense, counter offense is really good; and, you know, if he makes a mistake I'm going to pounce on it.  I think that's where he's‑‑ he's going out and he's basically imposing his will and everyone is scared to wrestle him.
But I'm not scared, so I'm not going to let him do that.

Q.  You and David wrestled in the All‑Star Classic, and I think that match was billed as the match of the century and it was billed as an exhibition.  Talk about the anticipation of you against David Taylor.  How do you handle that, the anticipation and the hype that surrounds that match‑up?
KYLE DAKE:  It's just another wrestling match for me.  The mat size hasn't changed.  There is going to be a referee, a guy sitting across from me, two coaches in my corner and two coaches in his corner.  So really it's not that much different.  We're going out and wrestling.

Q.  With the IOC's decision and people wanting to, I guess, generate as much publicity for the sport as they can, do you ever feel like you have a role as a torch bearer for this sport being that it is so hyped and anticipated?
KYLE DAKE:  Definitely.  Our goal should be every year to get more fans to watch us, get our TV ratings up and hopefully become one of the main sports during March.  There is all this talk about March Madness and basketball which is all good, but this is the biggest tournament year and it's one of the most fun tournaments and if we get outsiders to come and experience it, they will immediately become fans.  I guarantee you.

Q.  What is the last time you and David talked?
KYLE DAKE:  It was probably at Southern Scuffle before we stepped on the mat with each other.  It's been about business.  We both kind of know that, we both have that same, similar attitude where, you know.  I'm taking away his dreams, and he's trying to take away mine.  That's just how it is.  It comes with the sport.
THE MODERATOR:  Kyle, congratulations and good luck in the final. 

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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