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January 18, 2013
Q. Your thoughts on the way you played today, please?
MATTEO MANASSERO: I played a solid round of golf. I didn't feel like I played better than yesterday at all.
Yesterday I played very solid, but probably three shots difference just for the conditions. I made more putts today. I've made my putts, I didn't miss much on the greens, so that was certainly a big key.
But I think for the weekend, I will definitely need a little bit more consistency with long irons and driver maybe a little bit. But it's been really good.
Q. This is a beautiful day, and a round of 68 seems like it's going to be one of the very best rounds today, with the wind not up just as yet.
MATTEO MANASSERO: Yeah, I think there will be people scoring between 4 and 6 (under), I think there will be people scoring like that. The course is tough, even without any wind. The fairways are quite soft. The greens are firm and fast, so it's really not easy.
Q. Are you feeling the benefit of already having those four competitive rounds in South Africa?
MATTEO MANASSERO: Yeah, I'm feeling the benefit a lot. It's been really important for me to play in South Africa. It was a very relaxing week.
Nice to be in a good course with no cut and you know, just trying to get the tournament going, four rounds going. So that was a big key for this week.
Q. And the onus is on you to do well here now, I daresay Mr.Abu Dhabi, because it does say 'Golf in Abu Dhabi' on your hat; that's a lovely honour, isn't it?
MATTEO MANASSERO: It's like home in some ways. I've been here already at this event, I think it's the fourth time but I've been here many more times to practice.
It's a really nice place. I really like it otherwise I wouldn't have it on my hat. I come here and practise a lot as I said. When it's quite cold in Italy, I come here, and conditions are just like today.
The courses are all in great condition throughout the whole year really. I think they could all host an event tomorrow morning. But the very important thing for professional golfers is to have somewhere to go and be sure that it's going to have a good and useful practise.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports