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November 18, 2012

Rick Ray


JAY BILAS:  Buzz, thank you.  Our next coach is Rick Ray of Mississippi State.  Rick is in his first year with the Bulldogs at Mississippi State.  A former assistant coach at Indiana State and also Purdue and most recently at Clemson.  He's an outstanding young coach that has proven to be a very capable recruiter.  And he brings his Bulldogs a little bit shorthanded, they've had some injuries and suspensions, but they've got a lot of fight in them.  Want to hear from Rick Ray right now.
COACH RAY:  Thanks for bringing up the suspensions.  Appreciate that.  I notice you didn't go over my career wins.  I've got one.  (Laughter) Obviously really excited to be here at Maui.  When I first took over the job and was trying to secure our roster, the next thing you look at is the scheduling.
And I noticed we were playing the Maui Invitational.  It's a great experience for our guys.  Then the second thing I notice we just play a small school called North Carolina in the first game.  So that's always adventurous there as well, too.
But our guys are excited.  The one thing I'm trying to instill in our guys is nobody cares about your situation, about what state you're in at this point in time, like all everybody cares about at the end of the day is the wins and the losses.
So we want to come out here and play hard and compete, and I expect our guys to do so.  But we really are honored to be a part of this Maui Invitational.  Thank you.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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