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November 11, 2012

Mahesh Bhupathi

Rohan Bopanna


4‑6, 6‑1, 12‑10

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  How do you see the Spanish team?
MAHESH BHUPATHI:  One of the best teams in the world.  We played against them in Rome and lost in the semifinal.
I think if they win today, it's going to be a good match again.  Obviously, the World Championships, it's going to be hopefully good tennis.

Q.  Do you think they can beat Stepanek and Berdych in the Davis Cup final?
ROHAN BOPANNA:  I mean, I think they still have a chance definitely.
I mean, the way they've been playing this week, I think they do have a chance.  But, you know, playing at home against the Czechs is not going to be an easy match, especially the way Berdych and Stepanek are playing.
I think it's going to be a good finals and a good doubles match.

Q.  You were only ahead at the very end.  Is that enjoyable?  Was it very much one that you nicked from them?
MAHESH BHUPATHI:  It's enjoyable at the end, yes (smiling).
In this format, things change very quickly.  We've been saying to each other all week, we've been playing really well coming in with the title in Paris.  We just had to keep our heads down and fight because things can change at any second.
7‑3 down in the breaker, 8‑5 down in the breaker, made a few shots, the next thing you know we're up match point.

Q.  Anything about your last tournament together that added something extra?
ROHAN BOPANNA:  After winning Paris, we took that momentum here.  After that first match loss here in our group, which we lost a close one in the tiebreak, which we were up then lost, I think that also helped us to make sure that it's not over till the last point.
I think that got us through today.

Q.  Having won in the Paris final here, has the end of the year come too quickly for you?
MAHESH BHUPATHI:  We wouldn't mind a few more weeks on the tour.
I think we've had a fairly consistent year on the tour, six Masters Series semifinals at least, so we just happy to finish with a bang.  We got one match to go and get back into focus after celebrating for the next two hours.  We'd like to finish with the title here.

Q.  Is there anything you said to each other during the time in the tiebreak, when you were down in the tiebreak?
ROHAN BOPANNA:  I don't think we said anything different.  We just wanted to make sure that we kept aggressive on the court.  They came up with a couple of good volleys to be ahead in that breaker.  We didn't really play any bad points as such.
We just kept the same strategy and it paid off.

Q.  Given all the emotions going into today's semifinal, do you think you might have played the final already in a sense?
MAHESH BHUPATHI:  No.  The final is tomorrow.  The emotions are the emotions.  I mean, everyone felt it.  Everyone tried their best to win.
If we don't win tomorrow, we don't have the title.  We still have to go out and do the job.

Q.  If you're playing Marray and Nielsen, it's going to be a strange atmosphere.
ROHAN BOPANNA:  We already had that in the first match.  In a way, I think it's good.  It's also great for the sport to have such great atmosphere and also having people cheering for both of us.
There are a lot of Indians here in England who come out and support us.  So I think it's going to be an interesting final if we do end up playing Marray/Nielsen.

Q.  Rohan, your first semifinal here.  Were you nervous going into this match?
ROHAN BOPANNA:  I mean, I really don't think about it's my first semis or first final or anything.  I just go out and play my game.  It's not something I've never done before, worry about being something first, being there before.
So I think it just makes it easier on myself just playing my game and being a little loose on court, as well.

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