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October 31, 2012

Molly Pritz


MOLLY PRITZ:  I'm like, you know what, I'm just going to drive there because I don't think airports are going to be that great this whole week.  So I hopped in the car at 1:00 p.m., I'm like, this is only an 11‑hour drive, it's not that bad.  It turned out to be a 14‑hour drive.  I was here before the storm even happened.

Q.  Were there already things‑‑ what kind of things were already happening?
MOLLY PRITZ:  There was a couple accidents on Route 80 that really held us up.  Luckily my best friend lived in the area and I called her up and she let me know about some back routes.  Otherwise we'd still be out there.

Q.  Where did you drive from?
MOLLY PRITZ:  Detroit, Michigan.

Q.  That's not too bad.
MOLLY PRITZ:  My mom came with me.  She was the unfortunate soul that had to come.  If we didn't do it then, we wouldn't have been able to do it the next day for sure.

Q.  With all the‑‑ even after the storm, there were all these regulations about not being able to run the park and people saying beware of falling trees.  What have you been able to do the last couple days?
MOLLY PRITZ:  Well, I don't have TV or internet in Colorado, so I've been watching a lot of TV.  Also I had to call like 15 different gyms to find one that was open, and luckily the Sheraton still had their fitness center open, so I was going over there to use the treadmill.  Then yesterday the Hilton opened up again.  It worked out well.  A lot of time with my mom and a lot of time watching our favorite TV shows.

Q.  So you just hunkered down in the hotel?
MOLLY PRITZ:  Yeah, we just didn't leave the hotel room for a while.

Q.  Do you feel like doing your last workouts before the race on the treadmill is going to be different than on the road?
MOLLY PRITZ:  I try not to think about it because 10 days out there's really nothing you can do except mess up your race, so I just did my same workout.  I always feel like the treadmill is like the hardest thing in the whole world, so I tried not to think about how hard it felt.  I feel like I'm running for my life on a treadmill.

Q.  (Inaudible).
MOLLY PRITZ:  I don't think so.  I think I knew the New York Roadrunners would handle everything professionally, so I don't think there was any doubt in my mind that the race would be canceled.  They always had obstacles putting on a huge race, so this is just another obstacle.

Q.  (Inaudible).
MOLLY PRITZ:  Oh, absolutely.  I feel sorry for all the athletes trying to come in, and not just elite athletes, just all the runners in general.  It's going to be hectic in the airports.  That is the reason I wanted to come earlier.  Even if I did get a flight, it's going to be chaos.  But hopefully everyone can get here safely.  Everyone is doing their job to the best of their abilities, so hopefully it works out on Sunday.

Q.  I was surprised to learn that one of the very elite athletes was taking a Thursday red‑eye flight.
MOLLY PRITZ:  Yeah, it is really close.  That's why they usually try to bring you in ahead of time.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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