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September 6, 2012
Q.  Your thoughts on the course?
KYLE STANLEY: It's good. I mean, it's really wet. It's playing a little bit longer, but if you hit fairways today, playing lift, clean and place you can be pretty aggressive.
Q. Is it a matter of a learning curve? Nobody has played this course before in a tournament.
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah, I was lucky because I played 18 on Tuesday, and my pro‑am was on the back side. So I saw both nines, which I think was nice to see the whole course. I think it sets up fairly well for my game. It's really long. This is my first week with the belly putter, and I feel pretty good.
Q. When did you start practicing with that?
KYLE STANLEY: A couple days ago. No, I've experimented with one off and on, but we really dropped the weight on this one, so it's a belly putter but it's kind of the weight of a normal putter.
Q. Just a matter of needing a change?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah. I've been using a short putter mostly all year and just haven't really gotten the results I want with it. So I switched it up, and here I go. It feels really good, though.
Q. Have you used it in a tournament before?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah, I played three or four events with it last year.
Q. Did you feel good about it then?
KYLE STANLEY: I did okay, nothing really jumped out.
Q. Is it a matter of‑‑ you said you've got a good feel for this course and other guys still have to learn about it. Is it one of these things where the person that learns fastest has some type of advantage going into the weekend, or does it really matter?
KYLE STANLEY: I'm not sure it matters. I mean, it's kind of one of those courses where sometimes going at pins isn't the best and maybe just playing like opportunity golf, just get inside, and then from there just start giving yourself opportunities for birdie.
Q. And how comfortable are you with where you stand at this point?
KYLE STANLEY: I look at it every night. I know I have to have a good week, but I think it's good for me because most of the year there hasn't really been a lot of pressure on me. I feel like my competitive juices are back this week, which is really good.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports