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July 20, 2012

Thorbjorn Olesen


Q.  Talk about your round.
THORBJORN OLESEN:  Well, I played great.  I played great yesterday, also.  And got a good stretch on 9 and 10.  Holed a few good putts there and just got the putter rolling.  It was nice to make some birdies.  I've had a lot of chances these two days and it was nice to get it done and get some few birdies in.  I think I had a few more chances on the back nine, actually.  But I'm very pleased with the round.

Q.  Did you know when you made that putton the last hole you were going to play with Tiger tomorrow?
THORBJORN OLESEN:  Yeah, I walked down 18.  I knew if I made a birdie here I had a chance to play with Tiger.  That was amazing.

Q.  Talk about tomorrow.  What do you think it's going to be like?
THORBJORN OLESEN:  I have no idea.  He's been my idol in so many years.  So it's fantastic to have a chance to play with him.  And I'm really looking forward to it.  Yeah.

Q.  The way Brandt and Adam are ahead, does that change your approach going into the weekend if the weather stays the same?
THORBJORN OLESEN:  No, not at all.  I've hit a lot of 3‑woods and that's what I'm going to do the two next days also.  Just try to keep the ball in the fairway and get it on the green, and hopefully I can make some putts over the weekend.

Q.  Do you feel like you have the personality to be able to block out the chaos?
THORBJORN OLESEN:  I don't know, I've never tried it before.  So I don't know.  But hopefully I do, yeah.  I have a lot of confidence, so yeah, I believe I can do it.  But, yeah, it's going to be a lot of fun I think.

Q.  Is this the biggest stage you've ever played on before with the crowds and intensity?
THORBJORN OLESEN:  Probably the last day of the French Open was the biggest for me.  And this one is probably going to be a little bit bigger, I think so.  I'm really looking forward to it, yeah.

Q.  Have you met him?

Q.  On the range or anything?

Q.  But he's been an idol of yours?
THORBJORN OLESEN:  Yes, since I was nine or ten years old, yeah, so quite a few years.

Q.  (Inaudible.)
THORBJORN OLESEN:  Well, I've hit my irons amazing the last three or four weeks, actually.  I've just hit them really close.  So my caddie was a little bit‑‑ he didn't understand, I didn't make the putt on the first to make a birdie there.  But no, I got a few birdies on the par‑3 today.

Q.  (Inaudible.)
THORBJORN OLESEN:  Yeah, I did on the second playoff hole.

Q.  (Inaudible.)
THORBJORN OLESEN:  No, no idea.  But yeah, normally I'm pretty good at the par‑3s.  I hit the irons really good.  I've been struggling a little bit with the driver.  I've not hit that many times this week.  So it's more 3‑woods and just keep the ball in play.

Q.  Are you surprised being in this position or did you expect to play this well this week?
THORBJORN OLESEN:  Well, I didn't expect there to be up there, no.  But it's really nice to‑‑ I knew I had the game for it but it's nice to play really well the first two days.  But there's still a lot of golf to be played.

Q.  Of the six birdies on the par‑3s, what was the longest putt?
THORBJORN OLESEN:  It was probably 15 feet, I think, maybe 20 feet.

Q.  How long was that putt on the last, as well?
THORBJORN OLESEN:  I don't know, 20 feet, 25 feet.  It was really nice.

Q.  Any experiences that you can think of which might help you tomorrow?
THORBJORN OLESEN:  No, I don't think I've tried anything that's going to be similar to what is going to happen tomorrow.  I think it's going to be something special.  So just going to go out there and enjoy it and play my own game.

Q.  (Inaudible.)
THORBJORN OLESEN:  Yeah, I told my caddie we should probably hit a 3‑wood today.  But I tried to take it around and try to make birdies, and that was a bad decision.  And it's probably going to be a 3‑wood tomorrow if the wind is the same.

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