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March 7, 1999
DAVE SENKO: Maybe just real quick, we will go through your card starting at 1, birdie.
GREG KRAFT: Bunker-to-bunker, out about 15 feet, made that for birdie. 3, pulled the second shot in the bunker, chipped it off the green almost down in the water then chipped it up about a foot away, made bogey. 3-putted 7 from about 20 feet for bogey. Made a 25-footer on 9 for birdie.
DAVE SENKO: What did you hit?
GREG KRAFT: 6-iron. 10, I was in right short of the green in two, chipped up about ten feet made that for birdie. 12, I hit 8-iron to about three inches for birdie. Bogey on 15. Hit a little punch-cut 6-iron and one-hopped in the back bunker; knocked it out about 15 feet, missed that. 17, hit 7-iron, about four and a half, five feet, birdie. 18, fat 5-iron in the water, lob wedge to ten feet, made it for bogey.
DAVE SENKO: Questions.
Q. Was it difficult to concentrate on that last putt?
GREG KRAFT: On the last putt? Took a minute. Then I was able -- I was in the putt when it was time to hit it.
Q. When you got over par for the day early on the front side, what got you going to get back in the game?
GREG KRAFT: That putt on 9 got me going. I was just waiting for something good to happen and try to use that to fuel me or pump me up. I made that putt on 9, kind of got me going, I felt like I had a chance because there was some scoring holes on the back 9. They are not in succession like on the front 9, you got 1 and 2 are pretty -- start out pretty easy. Then 3, 4 are pretty tough. Then you have got about four holes where you can get some on on the front, which I didn't. The back, they are kind of spread out. I hit sand wedge on three holes or four holes back there after big drives so, I knew there were some holes to get. Just a matter of getting them.
Q. Were you noticing what Elky was doing?
GREG KRAFT: Yeah, I got to the par 3, 4th hole, I saw the leaderboard, 8-under through 11, something like that, I wasn't surprised, but I was, you know, I was surprised. I figured somebody would do that.
Q. Did you have a long wait there, waiting to hit into 18?
GREG KRAFT: A little bit. Not more than normal.
Q. Not thinking about it too much?
GREG KRAFT: No, actually, remarkably felt pretty good. I mean, the hardest shot there is the tee shot. Once that was in play, my mind directly went from -- it went right to trying to make birdie. I mean, that is one of the toughest tee shots we have, and I hit it perfect. And then I saw Ernie make double in front of me, so I was trying to squeeze it back there, and right in the middle of my swing I felt a little gust of wind, I tried to get it slight ahead a little bit, bring the trajectory down the board, I didn't have enough club to fly it back there. I was trying to hit a low look and run it - hit the middle of the green and released back because I figured if I fly it back there it wouldn't stay because the green is pretty firm. I hit 5-iron, third round, or second round, to the right pin. And flew it just short of the hole. It went way past. I made it coming back from about 15 feet so, I knew it won't stop if I flew it all the way there. I had to try -- so the shot that I was trying to play brought the water into play, I didn't take enough club to whereever I hit it, would have been dry, so, I played an aggressive, shot and hit a very poor one.
Q. In the pre-shot on that shot you are thinking birdie, trying to get it back?
GREG KRAFT: I was thinking a birdie the whole time. We were walking up, I even told my caddie let us try to end it now and I did.
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