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January 20, 2000
LEE PATTERSON: Excellent start to a long week, but I guess more importantly, do the
Bucs have a chance? I know you're a big Bucs fan, do you have a couple comments about that
before we start?
GREG KRAFT: Well, I just, you know, I'm just hoping. I like the underdog role, and I
just hope the Bucks get in there early. The only way I think they are going to win it is
to get that quarterback and hurt him.
LEE PATTERSON: Maybe just a couple thoughts about the first two days, part of a long
GREG KRAFT: Yeah, yesterday at La Quinta, I played pretty solid. I got probably the
most out of my round. Struggling, wasn't hitting as good, and I think 7-under was about
the best I could do. I made all the little putts I had to make to shoot that today.
Tee-to-green, I played a lot better, and I feel like I left some shots out there. The golf
course is a little bit easier and you have a few more scoring chances. But the swing feels
good. I'm having a little trouble with in-between shots, feel shots. You know, my timing
is a little off with that. I'm going to address that the next couple days and try to tune
it up for the weekend.
Q. I thought Indian Wells was the course that was playing easier this week?
GREG KRAFT: It did. I think it's always been easiest because you have so many shots
close to the hole. I think if you're hitting the driver well, which I am, Indian Wells is
going to play the easiest because you have so many chances at birdie. The par 5s are so
reachable. It's a little tighter than all the other courses, but if you're driving it
well, it's the course you can really shoot well on, plus the greens are perfect over here.
Q. You had two really good chances last year at Doral and Colonial. What have you
learned from those situations?
GREG KRAFT: What's funny is both of those events, I wouldn't really say that I was
playing my best golf. I was playing well and holing putts, but it was nice to know that,
you know, I don't have to play perfect to have a chance to win a golf tournament. You
know, you've just got to do the little things right, play smart and kind of just play
around with what you have. The Colonial, I barely made the cut and I was struggling on the
range before I teed off on Saturday, and said, "I'm just going to go out there and
try to play golf," and all of a sudden, it fell into place and I shot 16. I just know
if I'm patient and hang in there, which has really helped me -- yesterday at La Quinta, I
parred the first few holes I just said, "Be patient, hang in there." And 7 out
of the last 10 holes, kind of a run, but it helped, that patient attitude.
Q. As well as you've played with three rounds left to go, what do you think your
chances are to actually win this tournament?
GREG KRAFT: Well, I don't know. It's a five-day tournament, and I know 14-under is not
going to win; so, I know I have to keep making birdies, and it's a long -- it's a long
week. I've just got to keep doing things that I can do, and, you know, I'm doing well so
far. I know it's not even close to being over, but, you know, I've just got to keep
working on the things that I'm concentrating, play to my strengths, drive the ball
straight and practice my weaknesses on the range, and see how far I can go. Wait until the
last nine holes on Sunday and see if I'm still around and what might happen.
Q. Your career is obviously on the upswing. I was just wondering how close you feel you
are to being one of the top players out here, and if that's something you're sort of
pushing yourself to try and do?
GREG KRAFT: Well, I would hope to think that everybody that's out here is pushing
themselves to do that. This off-season I only took maybe five days off. The rest of the
time I worked out, practiced, trying to make a jump. I feel like I'm close, but to be one
of the guys out here, you need to win and you need to be on the leaderboard a lot. You
know, obviously, I'm not there yet, but I'm giving myself every opportunity. I'll never,
ever be able to look back and say I wish I would have done this a couple years ago or
this. I'm doing everything that believe in my heart is correct, and I'm working as hard as
I can. I'll have no regrets. And obviously, I mean, those are my goals, just like probably
everybody else out here. And if they are not, they are not going to be out here for long
because there's too many good guys out here. I'm just working hard at trying to get
Q. I'm sure in most of these tournaments you play, if you're leading after 36 holes or
after Friday, you go into the weekend thinking, "All right, let's get myself a chance
here." Is this a case where you almost ignore everything until Sunday morning gets
here and see where you stand?
GREG KRAFT: I don't think you can ignore anything. You'll get the ball coming from
nowhere. Last year, shooting a 59, with the weather the way it is, the wind, the greens
being the way they are, smooth, flat, I think you've just got to come out here with the
mind set every day that you're going to try to shoot as low as you can, because there
might be a day or two where you're not going to be playing as well as normal and you need
the low rounds to carry you over. You know, to think that someone is going to shoot 65,
65, 65, 65, 65, I don't think that will happen. You might have a guy shoot three 65s, a 69
and a 62. But I think, you know, you're going to have one day where everything is not
going to go just right for you and you're going to be frustrated and you're not going to
make as many putts. That's why you need those -- that one really low round to help carry
you through.
LEE PATTERSON: Why don't you real quick, just the details of your birdies: 5, 6, 7 and
GREG KRAFT: 5, I hit driver, 3-wood pin-high right of the green. Chipped up about six
feet and made it. 6, par 3, I hit a 9-iron to about four feet. 7, I hit 2-iron, pitching
wedge, eight feet right of hole and made it. No. 8, driver 3-wood on the front of the
green, 2-putted, birdie. No. 11, I hit driver, pitching wedge, 15 feet behind the hole,
made a birdie. Par 3, 15, I believe I birdied 7-iron to five feet. 17, I birdied. Driver,
pitching wedge to five feet.
Q. Not to harbor on the negative, go back to Doral for a minute, or even Colonial.
Which one was a tougher loss for you to swallow? And particularly Doral, how much did that
motivate you to improve? How much did that spur you on the rest of the year?
GREG KRAFT: It's still spurring me on, to be on with you. I'll never forget it and I
don't have want to forget it. I mean, that was like a little knock-down punch, and it's
whether or not I'm going to get up or I'm just going to lay there. It really didn't bother
me too much. On the inside, it motivated me. Probably most people thought it bothered me
worse than it did. But I feel like I fell one short, and I didn't hit the shot that I
wanted in the last hole. That's what you work for, and obviously, I need to work harder.
You know, I look back at it, I don't regret anything and I don't hold anything -- any
grudges. I don't have any hard feelings. I've just got a pretty good taste of it and I
just don't want to let go of that taste. Those mornings at 5:00 when I was in the gym
working out and I didn't want to be there, that's what kept me going.
LEE PATTERSON: Thanks for spending time with us.
End of FastScripts