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May 31, 2012

Lee Slattery


Q.  How good was 67 in these conditions?
LEE SLATTERY:  I think it was very difficult out there.  The wind was strong, I think stronger than anticipated, and certainly just getting off to a good start today, two birdies in the first two made all the difference.  It just meant you had something to go for afterwards.

Q.  And the ground feels like concrete; how difficult does that make it?
LEE SLATTERY:  Yeah, the first hole, I hit it just over the corner of the bunker, which is about as tight as you can go, and it's still only just on the fairway.  So you tend to find that you're just not hitting to the middle of a lot of greens and hope you hole a good putt.

Q.  Do you think anyone is going to get around bogey‑free today?
LEE SLATTERY:  I can't see it.  If they do, then it's an amazing achievement.  The par3s are really tough today.  Probably the third hole in particular is playing really difficult‑‑  went in the water and felt like I hit a great shot there.  It's really difficult, maybe three shots more difficult.

Q.  This season, are you a different player after your win last year?
LEE SLATTERY:  I think so.  I've certainly got more confidence now.  I don't seem to feel the pressure as much, but you know, at the same time, I've tried to rest a bit more this year, certainly early on, because I ended up playing a lot towards the end of last year, after the win and getting into events I didn't expect to.
I've managed to take maybe seven weeks off out of ten recently, hoping to get ready for Wentworth.  Got the bad end of the draw last week so that was a bit unfortunate.  But I've been playing well.  Qualified for the U.S. Open and that's a big achievement, as well.

Q.  So what are your new ambitions then now that you've reached this point?
LEE SLATTERY:  Obviously my new goal now is try to win something bigger, a tournament of this sort of stature, something slightly bigger.  I'm not saying Madrid wasn't a big tournament, there were a lot of good players there, but certainly I have to try to elevate my game to something better now and that's what I'm hoping for.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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