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May 25, 2012
Q. What was the secret today?
BILL BRITTON: I don't think there was a secret. I played good. I started off with pars‑‑ I hit a bunch of good shots.
And then I didn't hit a very good 5‑iron on the 14th hole into the bunker and made bogey.
Fortunately, I birdied the next hole. They had the tees up and it was a par‑5, and so I got a lucky bounce and stayed on the fringe of the green and made a birdie.
And then I bogeyed 18. Bad drive. You don't want the details, do you?
I played good. I finished good. I birdied 7 and 8 coming in.
Q. And that also came after a stretch I think you went bogey, bogey, par, birdie, birdie, something like that?
BILL BRITTON: Yeah, I birdied 3, which helped me a lot, because I was, I think I was 1‑over at the time, maybe 2.
And then I 3‑putted 4.
And I 3‑putted 6.
And then 7 I really, I hit a lousy shot, but I also got a great bounce off the side of a hill and it rolled about a couple of feet away.
And then I hit a good shot into 8 and made birdie.
Q. Did the course play much different from yesterday?
BILL BRITTON: Yeah, it wasn't easy, but it was much easier than yesterday, I thought.
Q. And the greens?
BILL BRITTON: The greens are perfect. Beautiful condition.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports