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May 20, 2012

J.J. Henry


Q.  Great round.
J.J. HENRY:  Obviously it's disappointing.  I played great all day, and to be honesty thought I had a great shot on 17.  I hit the line exactly where I tried to, and it carried about 6 or 7 yards too far and it's disappointing but that's golf.  You take the good with the bad.  Great crowds out here.  Everybody was very supportive.
To play so well for that long, and actually like I said, I thought I had a good shot on 17 but the golf Gods thought otherwise.  I'm happy.  This is the best I've played here, carry momentum into Colonial, right there where I live, and it's always fun to play at home.

Q.  How difficult was it going into 18 to get 17 out of your head?  Did that carry over?
J.J. HENRY:  Probably.  I was disappointed, I didn't miss a shot all day.  I had a hole in one today; there are a lot of positives.  I guess I'm buyin' drinks today anyway.  It's tough to be that close and to have it within your grasp with two holes left to play.  But, you know, we will take the positives and go and hopefully carry it over next week at Colonial.

Q.  What about the support throughout the weekend and especially throughout the round today that you were putting together?
J.J. HENRY:  It was awesome.  I heard a lot of "TCU" and "Go Frogs" and the Salesmanship Club does a great job, and being part of the redesign of the course with D.A. Weibring, and it was Byron's 100th birthday this week!  When I made that hole in one, I thought he was looking down on me.  I guess it all balances out.  I get a hole in one on 5, and then I thought I had a good one on 17 and it didn't work, so that's golf.

Q.  Talk about the long birdie putt on 15.  Did you feel like that was going to be the final turning point or too early?
J.J. HENRY:  No, it was still too early.  Anything can happen on the last two holes, especially with the wind blowing a little bit.
It was definitely disappointing, but I played great today, I got a lot to be proud of.

Q.  (Away from mic.)
J.J. HENRY:  I hit a wedge, it just kind of landed down wind, past the hole and trickle, trickle and we saw it disappear and everyone went nuts!  It was a great start to the day!  Obviously we'll roll with it.

Q.  Were you between clubs at all on 17?  Did you think about‑‑
J.J. HENRY:  I thought the wind was a little into us, to be honest with you.  I'm a little pumped up, making two birdies in a row on 15 and 16, and I was trying to hit it exactly where I did, just left of the hole and putt up the hill.  Probably a little adrenaline flowing, and I'm jacked up and I hit a good shot, I can't be upset with that.  I just didn't pull it off.

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