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May 11, 2012

Matt Kuchar


Q.  Weren't you doing this at a pretty big tournament a month ago?
MATT KUCHAR:  Not too long ago.  It's fun to be back in position with a chance to win again.

Q.  When you put yourself in these positions at these big tournaments, it's going to happen.
MATT KUCHAR:  That's what I keep saying, and I believe it.  I think it's a matter of just keeping yourself in position, having the opportunities, and before long, you find yourself in that winner's circle.

Q.  This golf course really presents a lot of go‑ and no‑go situations, doesn't it.  There are some times when you have to play defense and say, I'm in a good spot, I'm going to see what I can do and move on.
MATT KUCHAR:  Yeah, it all depends on kind of‑‑ it's a bit like that Zach Johnson when he won the Masters.  You have those numbers and those situations that you can go for, and if you're outside of that, you'd better lay off.  This course can bite you pretty quickly.

Q.  What happened with the tee shot on 16 and then what kind of‑‑
MATT KUCHAR:  16 was not far from being a good one, it was just drawing up the left side, but I knew those tree limbs were sticking out.  It caught a limb and bounced back in the fairway.  It was I guess a good break that it bounced back out from there.
It was a pretty easy decision.  It's a lay‑up, and it's actually a pretty tough lay‑up.  That hole is easier to hit a drive and be going for it in two, because of the lay‑up with that big tree in the middle of the fairway, there's only a small spot you can be to have a good wedge shot.

Q.  How much trickier was the wind today?
MATT KUCHAR:  I found yesterday awfully difficult.  We got going‑‑ when I came to 17, it was my eighth hole of the day.  It was blowing a good 10 to 15 into us, and that makes that shot a lot more challenging.  Into the wind I think is easier than downwind.
Today was a cross‑wind, so it felt like it died a little in the afternoon.  I watched a little TV yesterday afternoon, and it looked like it got pretty still yesterday afternoon.  It felt like kind of midday was the toughest of the wind.
I'm not sure what the toughest part of today was. I don't know, I thought yesterday might have been a little more challenging in my morning tee time.

Q.  Was the tee shot on 17 not that far from getting up the shelf?
MATT KUCHAR:  Yeah, not that far.  Not that far.  I thought it was there.  It was going a little too far left.  I was asking for it to quit going left.  It was just left of middle, and I was sure it was on the top level, but it came back down.
A 3 there is a pretty good score.  I was happy to walk away with 3.

Q.  Will you take the fact that you were able to play this afternoon, and you'll obviously play late tomorrow, as well‑‑ in terms of the conditions it's supposed to be about the same.  Will that help you tomorrow a little bit?
MATT KUCHAR:  Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how the conditions change tomorrow.  They seem to get this place firmer and faster each day.
I assume the greens will be firmer and faster.  I'm comfortable playing late in the afternoon.  Got today's round late in the afternoon.
The support for this tournament is just fantastic.  So it was fun to be out there hanging around the lead, getting a share of the lead, and I'm looking forward to having this experience to kind of help me with tomorrow.

Q.  Did you look at the leaderboard?  Did you see all your neighbors are on the leaderboard?
MATT KUCHAR:  It's pretty impressive.  We have got a great crew of guys up in Sea Island.  All of us hang out at Frederica Golf Club.  I played last week, played some golf with Zach Johnson before he went off to Charlotte.  I did not go to the Charlotte tournament last week.  We got a round of golf at home last week, and looking forward to getting a round of golf in tomorrow with him.
This guy is actually best friends with his little boy, Will, so I know‑‑ I'm not sure who he's going to be cheering for.  Are you going to be cheering for Will's daddy or me tomorrow (smiling, looking down at son).

Q.  What's the biggest difference playing 17 in the morning and playing it late in the afternoon?
MATT KUCHAR:  I think the green gets a little firmer, gets a little crustier in the afternoon is the one difference.
Other than that, you never know with the wind.  We got there today, and the wind had died down a little bit.  Mid‑round it was blowing a about 15 miles an hour today, and by the time we got to 17, it was probably under 10 miles an hour.  That was helpful.
But the difference is just the firmness of the green, I think.

Q.  Do you consider this your hometown tournament, and if so, is there a little extra excitement?
MATT KUCHAR:  I feel like I have a lot of hometown tournaments, which is a nice way to be.  There's definitely a lot of support here.  The local community is great, and I feel like it is one of my hometowns.  It's great to have the local support here.

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