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May 10, 2012

Kevin Na


Q.  Talk about how you played the par‑3s today, three birdies and then a great par save there.
KEVIN NA:  I didn't make three birdies, did I?  Yeah, I did.  I did make three birdies.
My iron shots were feeling really good, right on today.  I got a little help at the beginning of the week from Dale Lynch.  He's my coach, and he helped me out.  I had a little ear infection last week.  I was getting over that, and I feel pretty good this week.  I hit a lot of good shots.
That No.8 is hard hole.  Into the wind, I was in between clubs, I choose to hit a club that wasn't going to get to the hole but hopefully on the green, and it came up short, and poor chip but I made a great putt to save a good par.
I played awesome today, made a lot of putts.  The only thing was on No. 1, my ball got caught up in a tree, and we all know it stayed up in the tree, but unless you can identify the ball, it's a lost ball.  So unfortunately I took‑‑ I made double there.  But besides that, I was very pleased with my round.

Q.  How many times has that happened to you where you've lost a ball?
KEVIN NA:  Well, I've had it stuck up in a tree and identified it earlier this year, but I think losing it, maybe second time in my career.  It doesn't happen very often.  But it happened today.

Q.  How does the course suit you?
KEVIN NA:  You know, the course is an awesome golf course.  If I'm driving the ball well, this is a place where I feel like I have a chance.  I played well in '09 finishing third, and every year I come here I look forward to it.

Q.  It seemed like with your irons today a lot of the birdie putts were within 12 feet because you were getting it so close.  Did you kind of expect that coming in?
KEVIN NA:  My swing was feeling well at the beginning of the day.  I hit a lot of good shots on line, and I was able to get on the right shelves and have putts inside ten feet for birdie, and the greens are rolling perfect right now, so if you hit them on line they're going to go in.

Q.  Talk about turning at 30 and then having that happen to you.
KEVIN NA:  It was disappointing.  Obviously I made the turn at 30, and I'm thinking, a few more on this side to have a chance for a course record.  I don't know what the course record is.

Q.  63.
KEVIN NA:  63?  I figured if I got two or three more‑‑ two more I had a chance, three more was definitely in.  It was very doable with two par‑5s.  But right off the bat I made double, so that was a pipe dream.

Q.  Can you talk, though, about bouncing back because you then birdied the next two?
KEVIN NA:  Yeah, the biggest putt was I think on 2.  I had about inside ten feet downhiller, and I walked it in.  It was a nice feeling to bounce back, and I made another great birdie after that.  I just said, you know, think like you made three pars in a row.

Q.  Can you free‑wheel it on this golf course?  Do you have to kind of grind over every shot?
KEVIN NA:  There's a lot of grind out there.  It's not an easy golf course.  You have to pull‑‑ you have to hit shots.  You have to commit, and if you don't pull it off, there's a lot of high numbers out there and a lot of bad things that can happen.  But if you're on and you're playing well, you can separate yourself from the field.  That's what's the great thing about this golf course.

Q.  Where did you lose the ball the first time this year and then identify it?
KEVIN NA:  It was at Riviera on No.2.  I don't know how it ended up there.  My caddie and I, we couldn't believe it because the opening was on the right side of the tree, and it bounced from the left to the right and it ended up right there.  It was a little fishy because there was a water bottle next to my ball.  That was a little fishy there.  But whatever.

Q.  Did you give any thoughts to how to try to identify it?
KEVIN NA:  Yeah, we called an official.  He had the binoculars out, but you can't really see it.  It's wedged in somewhere.

Q.  You can't shake it or‑‑
KEVIN NA:  It was a pretty big tree, and I asked for any volunteers to climb up the tree, but nobody spoke up.

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