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April 21, 2012
Q. How would you describe your play today?
MATT EVERY: It was pretty scrappy.
Q. Yes, it was.
MATT EVERY: Yeah. But, you know, I hung in there. 1-over is not really that bad out here today especially if you're not hitting it well. I didn't hit it very good today.
But, maybe, that's my bad round and I get it out of the way without checking myself out of the tournament: Missed a few putts here and there but, overall, not bad.  I have a chance to win.
Q. You're in great shape. I thought you showed a lot of moxie there in 18. Up and down from a tough spot.
MATT EVERY: Yeah, it was. I was probably better off in the bunker. You get on wrong side of some of the humps, you've got no chance. That was probably the longest putt of the day I made right there. I made a ton of putts on Thursday, probably took them all for the week.
Q. You did, but tomorrow now is a new day. They're saying the wind will be more normal tomorrow. What do you think now about tomorrow?
MATT EVERY: Every time I play here the wind is blowing like this except for Thursday, so I don't know what normal means. Normal direction?
Q. Normal direction.
MATT EVERY: South more?
Q. Yeah.
MATT EVERY: As long as it blows all day and half the field doesn't get the day off like yesterday. It's Mother Nature, so, you can't really help it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports