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February 22, 2012
Q. Talk about the match for starters. I know KJ is a good competitor.
KYLE STANLEY: It was good. I don't think either of us really played our best golf, but my short game saved me a couple of times there coming in. Got off to a pretty good start. He made a big putt on 10 and then eagled 14. So yeah, I'm happy to get by.
Q. This isn't a tournament that kind of the first‑timers have always done that well because it's a format that maybe you are not used to playing on a course that takes a while to get to know. Talk about being ‑‑ playing here for the first time and what it's like to get your win.
KYLE STANLEY: It's nice. It was a goal of mine at the beginning of the year to be here. Format or not, it's a golf course that sets up really good for me, if I could get that driver straightened out a little bit and hit a couple of good shots with the driver today. It's a big hitters golf course. It's pretty long. It sets up nice for me.
Q. It certainly helps for big hitters, but you also have to be able to get up‑and‑down with the way the greens are. Talk about the ‑‑ once you get past driving the ball, the challenge of the second shot.
KYLE STANLEY: They are tricky. I mean, there's a lot of slopes. You kind of really need to think about where you position the ball to each pin. I did a good job of that today, never really got short‑sided.
Q. You talked about your goals and this being one of them. As the year as progressed ‑ and you've obviously had a great start to the season ‑ have your goals changed at all or are they still pretty much the same?
KYLE STANLEY: Not really. I'm trying to focus on the process and what I can do each day to get better. If I keep doing that, then things will take care of themselves.
Q. Any key moment in the match? Any key shots? Anything that you look back and say that was a swing in momentum?
KYLE STANLEY: I think the up‑and‑down on 16 or 15 was pretty good. Then we actually elected to go first on 17. It was kind of a difficult shot. I don't know if he really thought I had much, so I decided to go ahead and hit a pretty good one.
Q. Put some pressure on him with that shot?
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports