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February 12, 2012

Ricky Barnes


RICKY BARNES:  Didn't get off to the start I wanted.  I got off to a sluggish start, three putted 1, didn't birdie two and then I kind of fell behind the 8‑ball early.  But stayed composed and pressed myself forward by going for it and rattled off three straight birdies to get back to 2‑under par on 4,5 and 6, and hit a lot of good shots from then on in.
7, had a good look.  9, had a good look.  I did birdie 10 and 11 and unfortunate bogey on 12 because I was swinging really well and then saw it on the way in.  I would have liked to have made the last one, or 17, because 18 is playing a different hole today, straight into the wind, not an easy tee shot, not easy when you get up near the green.

Q.  Were you in a position, I didn't see the tee shot, were you in a position to consider going for the green in two on 18?
RICKY BARNES:  I actually figured with that front right pin that unless you've got way up in the front right bunker, my playing partner missed it right in the green and that's dead over there and that's the bail out.  So today with the wind into you, and the cold air, I actually figured if I even hit a really good driver, that I would need a 3‑wood to get there, I was playing it was a three shot hole, and I had a good look at a 15‑footer on the last hole.  I had the look I wanted.

Q.  Thought was birdie and perhaps a mistake by the leaders?
RICKY BARNES:  Yeah, that was the way I was going to get to there anyways.  That's a tough hole to eagle with.  You're going to get lucky to run it up the green and have to make a 30‑footer anyways but that's coming in with a 3‑wood.  You can't really control that that well with this breeze in this heavy air.

Q.  Did you feel the gallery was beginning to get behind you?
RICKY BARNES:  I've got a lot of family and friends here that would love to be this close to home and get a victory or something.  You hate to wish bad upon anyone but if I could get into a playoff that would be lucky.  Any time you can win close to home and out on the PGA TOUR, any time you can win, a win is a win.

Q.  What was your impression coming out of the final round on the leaderboard‑‑ Tiger and Mickelson, what were your thoughts?
RICKY BARNES:  Coming down the first hole I told my caddie, I said, "Good fortune for this tournament."    They have a lot of celebrities making the cut, Tiger and Phil in the second to last group.  Charlie is a California kid from down south.  If we can make a run and chase them from northern California, you know, it was a great setting, and I had not been able to watch too much, I know Phil was playing really good today and running away from it.
I played good today.  A little bit better start I could have had a chance but I was playing from behind the whole day anyways.

Q.  Talk about what this does for your confidence going forward?
RICKY BARNES:  It does a lot.  I wasn't able to play anything on the West Coast last year so I'm pretty lucky to be playing on the West Coast.  I'm taking advantage of playing all of them.  My confidence, I've been playing well and making a lot of bogeys and I came out this week and I think I only made two bogeys my last three rounds or something like that.  I played really solid this week and eliminated the stupid mistakes and took advantage when I had it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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