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February 2, 2012

Kevin Na


Q.  5‑under, nice start.
KEVIN NA:  Thank you.  I played really well today.  It was nice to finish off with those two birdies.

Q.  What does a start like this do for your confidence, having a good round the first round?
KEVIN NA:  Well, you know, I know the scores are going to be low out here.  You need to get off to a good start.  It was a little breezy out there, but it was nice to get off to a good start so I can stay ahead of the field.

Q.  When did the wind pick up, was it all day?
KEVIN NA:  I felt like it was all day, and it's like, hmm, about 10 miles an hour out there, just enough to make a difference.

Q.  Because it's so early in this tournament, do you even look up at the leaderboard and say, hey, I'm just one stroke back?
KEVIN NA:  No, I think you've just got to go as low as you can.  I know there's a lot of golf to be played and a lot of guys are going to make a lot of birdies, so stay patient but play aggressive.

Q.  How were the greens?
KEVIN NA:  The greens rolled okay.  It's not as good as it normally is out here.  Normally it's perfect.  But I think if‑‑ maybe they had too dry of a winter or too cold of a winter, I'm not sure, but it's not as good as it usually is.

Q.  The frost delay, did that cause you any‑‑
KEVIN NA:  It's not good because you wish you could sleep a little more in the mornings, then you get out here and there's an hour delay.  But it is what it is, and you wait around.  But it gives you more time to prepare before the round, so that's a positive.

Q.  Everybody talks about all the birdies that get made out here, but getting around bogey free, that's pretty nice work.
KEVIN NA:  Yeah, bogey free, I feel like my caddie should pay me a hundred bucks every time I do it.  But it's nice to play a round without a bogey.  Every birdie you make is going into the bank.  I played very solid today, very pleased the way I played.  Only hiccup I had was a three‑putt on a par‑5, but it was a par, so it didn't really cost me anything.  So I'm very pleased.

Q.  And you had a chip‑in.
KEVIN NA:  Yes, I actually did have a chip‑in.

Q.  Tell us about it.
KEVIN NA:  It wasn't that hard of a chip.  It was pretty straight, a little left to right, and if anything I had to be careful it was going to run away from me.  Right when it landed it looked like it was going to go in, and it went in, so I guess you give and take a little bit.

Q.  You've had a second, a third and a fourth here.  You love this place.
KEVIN NA:  Yeah, I'm missing one little number.

Q.  But now you know how to make that number.
KEVIN NA:  Yes, I do, I've won, so hopefully I'll be in contention on Sunday.

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