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January 27, 2012
DOUG MILNE: Kyle Stanley, thanks for joining us. This is becoming a regular stop for you at the end of the day. Today wasn't a 62, but a 68. 4‑under 68 today good enough to get you at 14‑under and at least for the time being leading by one heading into the weekend. Obviously, got to be feeling really good as you're preparing to head into the weekend?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah, it felt great. Got off to another good start today. I think I really had one, you know, a couple hiccups on my first nine. On the back nine I doubled 14, and then bogeyed 16. But other than that, I recovered nicely, and you know long ways to go, but I'm happy with where I am.
Q. Can you just take us through the double bogey, what happened and did you think you'd still be in the lead after you hit a double bogey?
KYLE STANLEY: Obviously I hit driver off the tee. I think we had 170 to the hole. The lie was decent, but we hit 7‑iron, and just flew out a little bit and carried the green and didn't get it up‑and‑down. Probably should have hit an 8, might have been a mental error.
But, you know I got off to a good start and it was tough to take. But you've just got to be patient out here.
Q. When you do make a double bogey, how do you shake that off? How do you get over there?
KYLE STANLEY: Well, I just kept telling myself I was playing well and just keep doing what I'm doing. I've played too much good golf so far this week to let one hole get in the way. I feel like I've got a pretty good game plan for this golf course and just had to focus on executing that.
Q. What were your thoughts going over to the South when there is so much made about the differential in degree of difficulty of the two?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah, it's tough. Like you said, you have to be patient. It's a totally different golf course, totally different set‑up than the North course. But I like it. I think it fits my game pretty well and I'm driving it straight right now, so that definitely helps.
Q. Did you have a number in mind?
KYLE STANLEY: No, not really. Just to go out and play.
Q. When you talk about a game plan, what is it, and when you do you put it together for each course? Is it just in your head?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah, it's just kind of how I want to approach each hole and play each hole.
Q. What was your game plan for this week for these courses?
KYLE STANLEY: I think first you've just got to get it in play. But my mindset right now is I'm trying to play boring golf ‑ hit fairways, hit greens and make a few putts.
Q. When you say the South fits your game, what does that mean?
KYLE STANLEY: Well, it's longer, so distance helps. I think you have to hit it pretty well. If you miss shots, you can get some tough places.
Q. Would you mind going over your card really quick? Just your birdies, not your whole thing?
KYLE STANLEY: Let's see. I started on the back nine, so I birdied 10.
Q. How did you do it? What did you hit?
KYLE STANLEY: 9‑iron out of the right rough. I forget, maybe about 145 to the hole. Let's see, 13, I drove it in the right rough, laid up. Probably couldn't get there today anyways, but hit gap/wedge to about a foot.
Went for 18 in two, hit a back right and got that up‑and‑down, made about a 25‑footer on 1. 4, I made about a five‑footer. I two‑putted for birdie on 6. No, I birdied 5, I made about a four‑footer on 5. I two‑putted for birdie on 6. Then got up‑and‑down on 9.
Q. What did you have left on nine?
KYLE STANLEY: 270 to the hole.
Q. 4‑iron?
KYLE STANLEY: 2‑iron, yeah. Not a very good one.
Q. You hit 2‑iron from 270?
Q. I wanted to ask you just looking back, in the days or so after Deere, what was that like? Encouragement or massive disappointment and how did it affect you going forward?
KYLE STANLEY: No, I wasn't very discouraged. I think if anything I took some positives from it. I had kind of been struggling up to that point in the year. I think I made more money that week than I had thus far, so it was good.
It was nice to really get in contention with a few holes left. That's kind of the goal for this year is to just keep working hard and keep trying to get myself back there.
Q. When you looked at the number of rookies that won last year, did you feel like you should have been one of them?
KYLE STANLEY: I don't know about that. That's tough to say. But I definitely feel like I have the game to.
Q. Going forward, how has that experience helped you now heading into these last few days here in terms of being maybe more mentally ready to take on what you're going to need to do to come out with a win?
KYLE STANLEY: You can't really teach that. I think you just have to kind of put yourself in that position, so it was nice to do that, and just maybe the experience of being there.
Q. What is the most exciting thing you've ever done in your life?
KYLE STANLEY: I don't know. I mean, that's a tough one. Probably this. I love golf, so just being out here doing what I love to do.
Q. What is the best moment you've had in this game today?
KYLE STANLEY: You could look back to when you're younger playing with your dad, just the progression. I remember ever since I was a little kid, I'd do things like I took a flashlight out to the green and putt until 10:30 at night, just little stuff like that.
Q. Where was this?
KYLE STANLEY: This was back home, Gig Harbor.
Q. Where's that?
KYLE STANLEY: Washington, just outside Seattle.
Q. To continue the oddball line of questioning, what is the weirdest thing that's happened to you since you've been on the TOUR?
KYLE STANLEY: I don't know. I don't know.
Q. What was the course like that you played at gig harbor when you were growing up?  Was it a public or private course?
KYLE STANLEY: It was private. Canterwood, it's actually a very good course. It's tough. I don't think I broke par there until I was about a freshman or sophomore in high school. So I got to drive it straight, tree lined, just kind of a typical Pacific Northwest course.
Q. Could you play all year round? How many months a year were you able to get out there?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah, you could play all year round. You might have to take a week off, but we're right on the Puget Sound, so we don't get a whole lot of snow.
Q. How come golf? Why did you pick up golf growing up?
KYLE STANLEY: Just my dad. My dad loves to play, so he let me tag along and kind of taught me the game.
Q. Not too get too deep here, but what did you find most appealing about it as a kid?
KYLE STANLEY: I just liked the independence of it. I played a lot of team sports, but I don't know. The thing I like about golf is it's just you. I like the individuality of it.
Q. There used to be a time when guys coming out of college served almost apprenticeships on mini tours. Now you see guys leaving college early. There seem to be a lot of guys out there that you played college golf against. Does that make it any easier on this level when you see a bunch of guys you've competed with?
KYLE STANLEY: I don't know about that. I mean, it's definitely changing. You take a guy like Bud who I think got his card after‑‑ he didn't have to go to Q‑school. So, yeah, I guess you're seeing it a little more often.
But I think out here you can't really think about that. Who you're playing with or who is out here. It's just kind of you and the golf course.
Q. How will you sleep tonight assuming you have the lead? Are you a guy that will sleep?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah, that probably won't be an issue. I sleep pretty good (laughing).
Q. What is the routine going to be tonight? Do you have a routine? I know Brandt Snedeker years ago when he was a rookie talked about he was watching the same movies every night.
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah, no, I mean, I've got my buddy Dustin who is sitting back there. He's in town, and we've just been kind of getting dinner and hanging out. Not a whole lot.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports