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January 13, 2012
JOHN BUSH: Matt Every joins us in the interview room here at the Sony Open after a 6‑under par 64. Great playing today. If we can get some comments on your round.
MATT EVERY: Just played good. I mean, I just didn't make many mistakes and made some putts, hit some good irons, just kind of normal stuff.
Q. No offense, but it's not normal for you to be on top of the board each week, so this is a little different.
MATT EVERY: No, you're right. I don't think it is. When I played two years ago‑‑ see, I think you're wrong. When I played two years ago‑‑
Q. I do, too, by the way.
MATT EVERY: I played well. I played really good on the West Coast, and I didn't get much attention. I had some bad Sundays. But I didn't get much attention, totally fine. And then I got in trouble off the TOUR. And then last year on the Nationwide Tour, I played solid all year long. I think I missed two cuts, contended a bunch, just didn't win, and now I'm here. And I'm not saying like I'm going to be on top of the leaderboard every week, but it's not a surprise to me. I know that I can, you know? It's only two rounds, though, so it's not that big a deal.
Q. Just to clarify, I'm not suggesting that you can't. I guess the question is today obviously you had a very good round. Anything different? Did you feel like you hit the ball better? Did you feel like you putted a little better?
MATT EVERY: It's the same. I've been hitting the ball well for like the last six months, really good. All winter long, I'd go out to the range and I'd practice for like 20 minutes because it was good, and I just‑‑ there was no need for me to sit there and try and mess it up.
I hit it good, and then yeah, I'm making some putts with this new putter, so it's good.
Q. Where do you play at home?
MATT EVERY: I just practice out at TPC there.
Q. When you left Florida, are you about where you thought you'd be, behind‑‑ where would you measure that?
MATT EVERY: That's a good question. When I left Florida, you know, the first couple years I definitely felt like I was behind. But now, like where I'm at now, I mean, I'm on the TOUR. That's good. But I guess if you compare it to the other guys that I was in college with, I might be a little behind.
Q. Does that annoy you?
MATT EVERY: No, not at all. I don't care at all. I'm happy for them. No, does not annoy me.
Q. Behind or right where you‑‑
MATT EVERY: Probably a little behind, yeah.
Q. Why do you think?
MATT EVERY: Well, I mean, sometimes you get stuff thrown at you that you weren't expecting. I mean, I got in trouble two years ago, and then broke my finger the same year. And the hardest part is just getting out here, man. If you have a bad Q‑school, then you're shot for a year unless you do Monday. But that's tough.
Q. Are you a goal‑oriented kind of guy coming into this year?
Q. Just go play?
MATT EVERY: Yeah. Just try and stay out of trouble this year.
Q. You brought up the incident at Deere. Not as much talk about what happened but how it has affected you over the remainder of that year, and obviously you only had‑‑ did you have like Disney was all you had to try and keep your card?
Q. And then how you focused on that or what you did to kind of get that behind you.
MATT EVERY: Those three months that I was off, I did practice a lot for Disney, but I mean, how much can you really expect having a three‑month layoff trying to‑‑ I think I had to finish probably top 5 or top 10 to have any kind of status for the next year.
As far as putting it behind me, though, I have other stuff that is important to me. I didn't really‑‑ I was pissed for sure, like for probably a good month, but then after that, it was kind of like‑‑ I didn't write off Disney and say, I already know I'm not going to get my status. But I kind of in the back of my mind was like, okay, we're going to have to go to Q‑school this year and try and get it, but I didn't. So then I was on the Nationwide, and once I got my card through the Nationwide last year, I kind of feel like it's completely behind me now.
I felt like my penalty for getting in trouble was not only the three months but being on the Nationwide Tour last year.
Q. Why were you upset?
MATT EVERY: A lot of reasons, man. I was upset at myself. I was upset at‑‑ there's some stuff I can't talk about, but I was pissed at the way it was handled. I don't know. I'm not a‑‑ I don't do drugs. It was a crappy deal, man. Wrong place, wrong time, perfect storm, and you know, I got three months out of it. It's over with. I'm not mad at the TOUR. They did what they had to do. I totally understand it. But it's over with.
Q. Did you have to make a lifestyle change at all because of that?
MATT EVERY: No, man, I'm married, I've got a kid on the way. I'm not like this party animal.
Q. I'm not suggesting that, but maybe the guys you might have hung with or something like that?
MATT EVERY: No, I still hang out with the same people. I have great friends, man. If one of my friends likes to smoke marijuana every now and then, I'm not going to say, well, you can't be my friend anymore. Honestly, man, I know more people who smoke marijuana than who don't smoke marijuana. I know that's probably not the politically correct thing to say, but it's the truth. It's not a big deal to me. Like I don't frown upon people doing that stuff. I don't do it, but I don't frown upon it.
Q. You lost for me a second when you said you were upset about the way it was handled. It got me thinking that you didn't like the way the TOUR handled it, but then you said you're not upset with the TOUR at all. What part of the handling things did I miss there?
MATT EVERY: Well, the‑‑ I don't think the police handled it very well. But whatever. And the TOUR, too, man, if they would have thrown a month at me instead of three, that would have been nice.
Q. Did you think the punishment fit the crime?
MATT EVERY: Probably, but there's nothing I can do about it now. We're all under the TOUR. I'm not bigger than the TOUR, never will be. It's their call, and I did it, and it's over with.
Q. Is it a stretch to say that once you got back to‑‑ once you paid your penalty of Nationwide essentially, which I think is correct, that you look at this as a second start at all, this season?
MATT EVERY: Yeah, I honestly kind of feel like a rookie out here this year, because I was doing just fine until I got to Hilton Head. I broke my finger, six weeks there, then I get back and I was out for like two weeks, then get in trouble, there's three months. My rookie year was cut‑‑ I still almost kept my status and played half the tournaments that everybody else played. I feel like it was a pretty good year for me. I just didn't get to play much.
Q. Is there any question in your mind if you hadn't been off for those three months that you would have kept your card?
MATT EVERY: Oh, man, I would have been‑‑ well, if I didn't break my finger I think I would have kept my card, even if I got those three months, because I was playing really well. But I can't‑‑ I mean, that's not fair for me to say. Everyone can say, oh, if I would have done this.
Q. But you felt like you were playing well enough could have kept it?
MATT EVERY: Yeah. I mean, yeah. There was plenty of tournaments left. And the tournaments I missed were New Orleans, huge purse; Charlotte; TPC; Byron Nelson; Colonial. I was in all of those.  And then I got four starts last year. No offense to these tournaments, they're great, and I'm going to play them this year, but I get Puerto Rico, Mexico. That's not really that fair, but whatever.
Q. When is the baby due?
MATT EVERY: Late June, four months right now.
Q. Do you think from doing the Nationwide Tour, do you think that means you're even more hungry this year?
MATT EVERY: Yeah, but it's easy to get lulled to sleep out there because the towns you go to and it's just so hot. Every week you've got to shoot like 6‑under every round. You can get depressed out there pretty fast.
So now I am hungry, but like when I was out there, I was just really fighting to stay interested, you know?
Q. Talk about your last three holes today.
MATT EVERY: Well, that one hole, 7, was just a 9‑iron. I hit it right where I was looking, made like a 15‑18‑footer. The next one, driver, 8‑iron right behind the pin. Made like a 15‑footer. And then the last hole I hit 8‑iron right below the hole, two‑putted.
Q. 8‑iron?
MATT EVERY: Yeah, but I was the shortest drive in my group, so it was playing pretty short.
Q. What did you hit into 9?
Q. Not much different in terms of wind then?
MATT EVERY: No, same.
JOHN BUSH: Matt, thank you.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports