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December 15, 2011
Q. How do you assess your performance today? Are you happy with it?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Yes. I am. I was striking the ball really well. So it feels good.
Q. And the putting, was that excellent as well?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: No, but it was better than it was yesterday, though. My ball striking has been pretty similar, at least today's, but I didn't hole any yesterday, and I holed a couple today, but I left putts out there.
Q. Did you have any long birdie putts, like length? The 3rd, do you remember?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: First was a chip.
Q. All right. A chip‑in.
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: No, no. A chip. And I would say a five‑footer.
Q. Yes. And then 6?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Yeah, that was a ‑‑ I hit it to about four feet there.
Q. Okay.
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Yeah. Four feet, and 9, I hit it to about maybe seven or eight feet.
Q. 12?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: 12, that was a longer one. That might have been to ten feet.
Q.  Yes.
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: And 16 was probably 12.
Q. All right. Any other chances, like you had a chance on 18 there, I think?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Yeah. I had one on 18. I had one very similar on 14. I had a fairly good chance on 16.
Yeah, but that was also like to 12 feet.
Q. Okay. That was 17?
Q. All right. So you're happy, you're halfway in the tournament, to be leading?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Yeah. It is pretty good, because I was actually hitting the ball awful on Tuesday during the Pro Am, but the Swedish coaches that are here this week from the Swedish Golf Federation helped me find my ball striking.
Q. So in terms of who was here, do you know the names of the coaches?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Yeah. I can write them down. (Patrik Johnsson and Katarina Vagndahl).
Q. Swing coach?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: But those are the ones that helped me. They're not like ‑‑ they work for the federation. But they got that golf teaching in their background.
Q. So what are they doing here? Are they here just this week for ‑‑
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: No, they're out ‑‑ they've been out maybe five, six tournaments this year.
Q. Okay.
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: But they're here, I think, for two reasons really. One of them is to support us, but also figure out what we are doing so they can bring that back to the amateurs.
Q. Okay. So are they something to do with the Olympic games?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: I don't know. You should ask them. She went back early this morning, but they're here the whole way.
Q. I ask, because one of the Swedes told me that last week they were in this, and I think maybe you were there.
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Yeah. That was like a month ago. Yeah.
Q. Yeah. So that maybe helped the Swedes as well last week in India. How do you feel about your performance in India?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Shoot. That was like ‑‑
Q. This is a new start?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Yes. But he's like ‑‑ he's kind of short and he's better. So he'll be around where the Swedes are.
Q. I'll ask him. Thank you very much.
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