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November 25, 2011
EDOARDO MOLINARI: It was I think pretty good, because it was quite windy and it's always difficult to play foursomes after playing four‑ball.
So I think Francesco played very well, as always. He was very steady and I missed a couple of shots on the front nine, but I held some nice putts coming in. So all in all it was I think a good day for us.
Q. And I might be presuming, but I guess on the first day, you were not entirely satisfied with the scoring, so this at least pulls you right back into the mix?
EDOARDO MOLINARI: Yeah, absolutely. I think yesterday we didn't play very well. I think it was also quite difficult to play with a lot of people, a lot of cameras around. And today was much better. We were much more focussed on what we were doing and we both played really well.
I think tomorrow, we just have to do the same and shoot a very low number tomorrow to give us a chance on Sunday.
Q. Quite a bit quieter on the course without the clamour and the big crowds?
EDOARDO MOLINARI: As I say, it was nice and quiet today. It will be the same tomorrow, so we have a chance of moving up the leaderboard tomorrow, I think we are both playing well, and we are both putting quite well. So it could have been a couple shots better today, but hopefully a few more putts will drop tomorrow and we'll move up the leaderboard.
Q. I suppose it's the same in any tournament that you learn about the course, the environment, what's needed, as it moves on, but having already played four‑balls once, does that make you more prepared for what you've got to shoot, how to shoot it on the third day?
EDOARDO MOLINARI: Well, I think you're right. Every time we play the four‑ball on the first day, we never really played well. Yesterday in the end we shot 5‑under so it wasn't too bad. We were still within two or three shots of second place.
So as I said, tomorrow will be feeling like it's a lot easier compared to today because you will have two balls in play hopefully, and it will be nice just to shoot a good number and be three or four behind going into Sunday and foursomes is our best format. You never know with that.
Q. Does that mean changing strategy at all for that third day? Obviously you're playing for yourself, you both have the opportunities to score, but does one take more risks than the other perhaps?
EDOARDO MOLINARI: Well, I think the key will be to keep two balls in play the whole time and to give ourselves a lot of chances.
As I said, we are both putting nicely and we can read these greens quite well. So just keep two balls in play, and good things will come.
Q. Before the tournament, there was excitement about getting back, albeit so much deferred after two years to defend your title, but is it once you hit that first ball, was it then back to business at usual?
EDOARDO MOLINARI: Yeah, absolutely. It was nice to wait two years, even if it was a bit too long, but it's nice to be World Cup champions for two years.
So you know, we are enjoying the week as much as we did two years ago, and as I said, we just need a good one tomorrow and then we'll have some fun on Sunday.
Q. Was there a burden on you, an expectation, given that you had achieved what you had achieved the last time?
EDOARDO MOLINARI: No, I don't think so. I think if anything, the last time was more difficult because neither of us had won a big tournament before that. So especially on Sunday, it was quite difficult for us, the last few holes.
I think this time, we are much more relaxed. We are much more focussed, and probably we are better players, even if at the moment in this season, we have not played very well. But I think all in all we are better players than two years ago.
So you know, you never know what's going to happen.
Q. And still positive, still in good position?
EDOARDO MOLINARI: Absolutely. We are probably going to be six or seven behind tonight. And it's quite easy to make up shots on this course, and you know, the goal for tomorrow, as I said, will be shoot a good number and I'll be happy to be within four or five of the lead, because in foursomes, we have shot in the past very low rounds.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports