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November 17, 2011

Aaron Baddeley

Jason Day


Q. I know it was a tough finish for you, just talk about the experience, just together first time out, what was it like on the first tee and just talk us through a little bit of the day.
AARON BADDELEY: It was great. Just played as a team, and to pull for each other --
JASON DAY: We enjoyed it. Obviously pressure situation, it's tough for us, we are rookies and we don't know what to expect. It's a lot of pressure on our shoulders and we are the last match in, but a halve and better than a loss. Definitely a halve is better than a loss and that's what we have to take into tomorrow.
We hit a lot of good-quality shots out there and we should have had them beat earlier on and they played great golf coming in and obviously halved the match, which was good for them.
But you know, this is good confidence for us. Obviously a defeat, we would be worse off if we lost the match. But obviously halving the match, it's a good confidence builder for us to go into tomorrow's fourball and we just want to go out there and try to beat them tomorrow.

Q. As rookies, you mentioned, but is there a point where you get out there and there's a comfort level?
JASON DAY: It's tough, because foursomes, you don't want to let your partner down. And there's a lot of pressure on you to not let him down because obviously you've got the weight on your shoulders from the team and your partner, and you've just got to kind of just let it go and just go out there and try and win. And whether you hit good shots or bad shots, if you get it done, you get it done.
But no, it's just an awesome experience for both of us. Obviously we have got plenty of Presidents Cups to played in, and I know this is not going to be the first match that we are going to halve, lose or win. So it's just a good experience that we came out and did so well.

Q. Just talk about the last tee shot, obviously people want to know just what's happened, what went through your mind.
AARON BADDELEY: I wasn't that nervous on that last tee shot. I don't know, it was weird. Just hit a terrible shot.
JASON DAY: He did, he hit a great shot into 18. You know, people hit bad shots everywhere, whether it's the first hole, the second hole or even the 18th hole. People hit bad shots and unfortunately we hit a bad shot on the last hole, and that's just how it goes. You can't control whether you're going to hit a good shot or bad shot all the time. It just happens, and unfortunately it happened on 18. But we are going to pick ourselves up and get into tomorrow. We have not lost it yet. We still have a lot of golf to be played. There's three more days. There's still a lot of golf to be played.

Q. Proud of yourself, first time out and not being defeated?
JASON DAY: We enjoyed it. We are going to go out tomorrow and pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and get out there and play.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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