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August 14, 2011

Kevin Na


Q. That par on 18, that had to feel like a birdie?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, definitely. I decided to hit 3-iron off the tee and hit a poor 3-iron. Hit it right and it got buried under the lip of the bunker, and obviously that was a terrible break.
And I hit a great shot, just to get out of the bunker, and I had a 3-iron in and made like a 45-footer.

Q. 67, the best round of the day, if not the round of the day so far. Talk about what the key was to the round today?
KEVIN NA: I hit a lot of fairways, a lot of fairways and greens. Hit it real solid. Just made some putts when I needed to, when I missed a green for par, kept the momentum alive.

Q. What do you think a finish like this does for you going forward?
KEVIN NA: Very positive, because you know, I got off to a good start this year and then kind of struggled the last few months. Going into the Playoffs, this is going to be a big confidence boost for me, and hopefully I can get back to THE TOUR Championship.

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