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August 5, 2011

Steve Elkington


Q. Bogey-free, 7-under, 65.
STEVE ELKINGTON: Yeah, it was a good day for me. It was an early wake-up call, 4:00.
But, you know, I know this course well, and I'd rather go do other things that I know -- you know, I was able to get the ball (indiscernible) today.

Q. Right back in the middle of things now at 6-under going into the weekend. How does your mindset change now approaching tomorrow's round?
STEVE ELKINGTON: I'm going to go over to Lake Tahoe and go skiing this afternoon and drink beer and laying on the beach and throwing Frisbees, so...

Q. Good preparation. Birdied three out of the four par-5s today. I know that's something you see every week, but is that even more important at a golf course like this?
STEVE ELKINGTON: They're reachable, you know, so, yeah, very important. I mean, seems like the long hitters can get there really easy. I'm sort of just getting 'em -- can just get there. The one at the front I could get there pretty easy.
But you've got to play those holes well if you want to shoot low.

Q. Right. Obviously the golf course played considerably more difficult yesterday afternoon. Changing conditions this morning, noticeable obviously?
STEVE ELKINGTON: Oh, yeah. I played the golf course, you know, I told my wife, I said I thought it was tough Thursday afternoon. I was pretty pleased with 1-over, to be honest with you. The greens got really firm. On the greens I've got just enough loft to where when you hit it out it just wants to scoot away from you.
Today was a totally different deal. You know, the cool weather and you could make the ball stop and play to different spots on the green.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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