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July 28, 2011

Richard Green


Q. How good of a score is 4-under par?
RICHARD GREEN: I think it's a pretty solid score. I played very solidly. Not as confident as would I have liked to have been on the driver but kept it in play. Fortunate that it's a golf course that you can hit your 3-wood -- be in play and give yourself a chance, is what you need to do around here and I did pretty well and felt pretty comfortable.

Q. Richard Green not comfortable with a driver? I've not heard that.
RICHARD GREEN: I've been probably 80 per cent of the driver for a while, still a little bit to get it to where I want it to but working on it. Hopefully over the course of the week it comes good.

Q. Fifth here last year on this golf course; obviously a course that you particularly like, or just coincidence?
RICHARD GREEN: No, I liked it when I first came here last year. Last year it was playing a lot bouncier and firmer, and this year it's a bit softer and playing longer, so it's a lot different challenge. But it's an old-style golf course, not a million miles long and you have to be smart and play sensible golf.

Q. Tell us how good that was.
RICHARD GREEN: It was good. Very solid. I played nice golf, and kept in position, and kept it in play very well, and gave myself opportunities to score, and know, probably the best I've played for a while. Nice to see it back to where I expected it to be.

Q. Ten 1-putts I think.
RICHARD GREEN: Yeah, compared to how it's playing, I haven't putted very well for a while, and I played pretty nicely from the BMW through The Open, but just didn't putt any good, and if I had putted anything like I did today in those tournaments, I would have done a whole lot more better.

Q. History repeating itself? You played particularly well here last year.
RICHARD GREEN: Yeah, I like the course, and good memories from last year, and you know, just see what happens.

Q. You got off to a flying start and held it together last time.
RICHARD GREEN: Absolutely. I remember playing very well on Sunday afternoon. I played with Pádraig Harrington on Sunday and had all of the Irish crowds out there, and fantastic support. I played very well in front of them all, and enjoyed it. Enjoyed the experience, and hopefully, and I imagine over the weekend, it will be pretty big.
The Irish guys have done very well, three Major winners, very, very impressive stuff. I can imagine most of Ireland here wanting to watch on the weekend.

Q. And that will bring in some people who maybe are not golf fans particularly but just enjoying the festival of them. Is that noticeable?
RICHARD GREEN: Oh, definitely. It's definitely a lot of families and people that you would not normally see. Very, very good for the tournament.

Q. How is the course playing?
RICHARD GREEN: Playing softer than I did last year, bouncier, and I think the weather if it shapes up like it's supposed to, it might be like that come Sunday. Playing nice and in wonderful condition.

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