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July 7, 2011
Q. Well, -6 first round. What are your thoughts on that round?
KYLE STANLEY: I played well. I putted really well today and gave myself a lot of opportunities and made probably four or five 20-footers, so that was nice.
Q. Nice to be in contention at this point?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah. I mean there's a long way to go, but I love this golf course.
I guess this is my first time back here since '09. I played pretty well then and kind of carried that over today.
Q. What's it like being a rookie out here playing full time now?
KYLE STANLEY: It's great. I mean 23 years old, to be doing what I love to do for a living is pretty neat. So it's just a dream come true really.
Q. In August we're going to see you in Cedar Rapids at Zach Johnson's golf tournament. Tell us how that came about.
KYLE STANLEY: Zach and I are the same age, so he and I have developed a relationship the past couple of years. Nice older player kind of took me under his wing a little bit, so that'll be fun.
Q. Have you ever played golf in Iowa before?
KYLE STANLEY: I don't think I have. I don't think I have.
Q. Tell us about your relationship with Zach. Is it just through the agent or have you played together some a little bit?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah. We've played quite a bit. When I was playing on sponsor exceptions in '09 we played quite a few practice rounds and occasionally get together for a practice round out here this year. So yeah, we've just played practice rounds together and that's about it.
Q. How many of these exhibitions do you try to play during the course of a year?
KYLE STANLEY: Not too many. I maybe play two or three. But Zach's -- anytime you can help a guy out like that, you take advantage of it.
Q. Does it take you out of your rhythm at all? You guys kind of have a rhythm, don't you, week to week, or not?
KYLE STANLEY: You know, it is kind of funny you say that. This is actually the first time this year that I've gotten to an event on Tuesday morning. So I went home for the 4th of July. Usually I just get here Sunday night. So I took a nice little break, which I think was good. Just had a day of rest and I might continue that.
Q. Talk about being a rookie out here. Do you find it being a challenge or do you get excited about the challenge?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah, absolutely. I think the biggest thing is being first year out here you don't know all these golf courses, so you know, you take an older guy that's been out here for a while. He's very familiar with the course he goes to each week. So for me I have to do a little bit more homework just to get to know the course a little bit more, but that's about it.
Q. A lot more challenging against a guy who's won it two years in a row like Steve; right?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah. Oh, yeah.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports