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June 25, 2011

Blake Adams


Q. Blake, just comments on today's round.
BLAKE ADAMS: I obviously didn't have my best today. I was kind of struggling out there, fighting my golf swing a little bit, wasn't making a lot of putts. My proximity to the hole wasn't very good, but I holed out on 15 for eagle. That kind of jump started me, made a nice birdie on 18 for me to close the day.
You know, I really felt like I left a lot out there on my 36-hole round yesterday, so I guess I kind of made up for it today.

Q. Solid play at the Memorial and then played really well at the FedEx. Game's coming around pretty good.
BLAKE ADAMS: You know, it has been an interesting year. I've been hitting it good week to week and then I'll putt terrible. The next week I'll putt great and then hit it terrible. So it's just been kind of wishy-washy the whole year.
I've always felt that my game was really close, but just haven't done a whole lot with the cuts I've made. I feel like I've been making a lot of cuts, but just not doing anything with them. So hopefully I'll just keep building this week and see what happens.

Q. Three back right now, your mindset going into tomorrow?
BLAKE ADAMS: Just try and make as many birdies as I can, you know. I have a long way to go. Obviously everybody's playing well. I mean 15-under is leading, and it might be more after the end of the day. So you know, have to worry about myself and just make as many birdies as I can and we'll see where I end up.

Q. Great. Thank you.

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