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June 9, 2011

Rafael Nadal


BBC television interview with:

Q. Great entertainment for us. Great fighting spirit from you.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I think I played today. Much better than yesterday. I was playing I think a very complete match.
But with the 5-2, 5-3, 40-15, he played well. I had a few mistakes, and, you know, that's the turning point of the match at that moment, no?
Beginning of the third, especially the first game was tough, but after that I think I played my best.

Q. After Roland Garros, the fatigue you must be feeling, how do you feel?
RAFAEL NADAL: For sure I'm a bit tired, no? But for sure always play with this fantastic crowd, fantastic atmosphere.
So is always a pleasure to be here and that's because of the people, because of the tournament. That's why I'm here, and that's why I had motivation to play well.

Q. Clearly there's more here for you than a warmup for Wimbledon.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, for sure Wimbledon is there, but right now I focus on Queen's. Queen's is a great tournament and enough important to talk now. We can talk Wimbledon after.

Q. Next up is Tsonga. Can you talk about that?
RAFAEL NADAL: He is one of these players tough to play against. Big serve, big movements, very aggressive player. We'll see my chances.

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