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May 29, 2011

Simon Dyson


Q. Your best finish of the season what, went right for you today? What was the key to it?
SIMON DYSON: Just, well, it's been my driving all week. I think I'm either second or third in driving accuracy, which is huge, around a course like this, you've got to get it in position, because the greens are a little bit funky, so if you're hitting to the greens from the fairways, then you can start going at a few pins, which is what I did.
I got off to a lovely start, parred the first three, managed to birdie 4 and then just played really steady after that.

Q. For a bit, you were indeed in second place, and of course, at the 17th there, there was a possibility of chipping in, so you've been jousting with the world Nos. 1 and 2 all day, what's it been like?
SIMON DYSON: It's been good. I saw them both on the leaderboard there, and I actually said that to my caddie, we are competing with the 1 and 2 in the world here. I bogeyed 13, but then the response for the last five that I came back with, I was quite pleased with myself, just gave myself a good chance on 14, just missed out, birdied 15 which is a tough hole.
Gave myself three great chances on the last three and just didn't manage to hole one. But still, fantastic week.

Q. You can watch it now, gut instinct, who is it going to be, world No. 1 or 2?

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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