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May 24, 2011

Martin St. Louis

TAMPA, FLORIDA: Practice Day

Q. I know from a goal production standpoint you guys weren't satisfied with just getting one, but do you feel like you generated enough shots and chances?
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: Definitely, definitely enough chances to get a better outcome. But we just didn't -- the good thing, it's first of four games, not the first of three. So come back tomorrow and play a good game and give ourselves a chance for seven.

Q. Coach thinks it will take more shots. Even though you outshot them, he said it's going to take more.
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: You can always have more. I still think that, you know, we can maybe throw more pucks on that. But did we have enough scoring chances yesterday to get a different outcome? Absolutely.
But tomorrow we're going to have the same mindset of getting pucks in the net, crashing the net, and making their goaltender, giving him a hard game to play.

Q. Roli has got some pretty good history in the elimination games. (Indiscernible) that direction. Does that add more confidence?
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: Yeah. I think both goaltenders have played tremendous for us throughout these Playoffs. I think that position is a big reason why we are where we are.
So I don't know -- I'm not sure what's going on in that department tomorrow, but whoever it is, we're confident that we can come in and play our game and give ourselves a great chance.

Q. Both teams predicted a long series here. No surprise to you. How do you feel the team's holding up?
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: I think we're holding up fine. Obviously a few minutes after the game, you're disappointed, but you have a meal, you talk about the game a little bit, you turn the page, get some sleep, wake up this morning, hungry and ready and can't wait for the next game.

Q. You talked so much about the depth you guys have been getting, production from other people. Yourself, Vinny, is it time for guys you to stand up?
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: Obviously we gotta be there. You know, and we're trying to do the best we can, but sometimes the best we can is not enough. So we've got to do more.

Q. Talk about the power play. Are you happy with the way that's going?
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: I mean, last night the power play was disappointing. We could have pulled away, maybe, get a two-goal lead. We didn't.
We didn't do the job. And I'm sure we'll address that and get it turned around tomorrow.

Q. What do you think you can do better on the power play, more movement?
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: Just a little more poise. I think we're poised in shots, but I think they come hand in hand. If we get a little poise, we'll open some more shots. So we have to take those shots. Once we have the shots we have to take and we can't have another play.

Q. Is it something that the Bruins are doing?
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: Yeah, we're playing against a good team. They're going to force you in areas that you don't like to be forced in, but you gotta fight through it and that's where the poise is needed. And we've lacked a little bit of that yesterday on the power play. But I'm confident that the guys will bounce back.

Q. How much do you guys rely on that Pittsburgh series and say, you know what, three times you faced elimination and three times you won?
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: I mean, we've been in that position before. We've been down 3-1. So 3-2. We're behind but it doesn't scare us. We're going to come out and play.

Q. Are you more motivated than you have been in the series since elimination is (indiscernible)?
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: There's more (indiscernible) and our backs are against the wall, we have to respond, I know we will.

Q. (Indiscernible) Chara on your (indiscernible) end defensive on your end?
MARTIN ST. LOUIS: Yeah, he drew a penalty. I think they had him out in front of the net in the power play in the third. I don't know. He's a big body. He's got a good reach. But, again, we get one of the defensemen, go to the goal line, if we can somehow find a way to get that puck out, manage that puck at that time, we have -- their big guy up there, we can catch him.

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