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February 23, 2011

Cameron Beckman


NELSON SILVERIO: Welcome defending champion Cameron Beckman here at the media center at the Mayakoba Golf Classic Riviera may. Cameron, welcome back. I believe you had a chance to play this morning. How were your thoughts just coming back to the course where you won and how is the course looking out there?
CAMERON BECKMAN: Oh, it's always great to come back to a place you've won. We came back in October, I think it was, for the Skins game, which was fun. I didn't get to play.
But just being here is great, and the golf course is, I think in the best shape I've ever seen it. And I'm really looking forward to defending starting tomorrow.
NELSON SILVERIO: So any different mindset going into an event where you've won as a defending champion?
CAMERON BECKMAN: I think anybody that's won a tournament coming back the next year or year after, you know, you can picture the good shots you've hit. You remember hitting the good shots. We talked a lot about last year today preparing for tomorrow. And you know, it's fresh in my mind still, so hopefully I play well.

Q. How difficult is it going to be to defend a title, especially given where the field just keeps getting better every year, and we've got tournament winners even from this season that you're going to be playing against this week?
CAMERON BECKMAN: Yeah. It's going to be difficult. You know, I've been on TOUR for 13 years, only won three times. So you know, defending is obviously hard. And you know, it's nice to see that we're getting a better field down here. And I think this tournament is going to become a really great tournament.
You just can't beat the, first of all, the city and the golf course is spectacular. I mean all the guys think it's great, so this is going to be a tough tournament to win.

Q. How are the conditions last year versus this year? Have you noticed any big difference?
CAMERON BECKMAN: Yeah. A little bit. I think it's a little softer this year. I don't know what the weather's done the last few weeks, but it doesn't feel like the fairways are running out as much. And the greens are just a little bit softer. I think it's going to be perfect the rest of the week. So by Sunday I think it should firm up and play very similar to last year. And the greens I think are better this year. They're just perfect.

Q. How do you feel just physically and as a competitor coming into the week?
CAMERON BECKMAN: Good. Feel real good. I've worked probably harder than I have in a long time in the last two months. And feel like I'm swinging better than I was last year. So you know, if things go my way, it would be great.
I'm excited. I'm looking forward to starting tomorrow.

Q. 15-under par, your winning score last year, given the softer conditions, what do you feel is the number this year?
CAMERON BECKMAN: I think it'll be in between 15 and 20-under this year. The greens are a little easier to get into. The ball's staying on them a little bit more, you can keep it by the pins, and like I said, the greens are rolling so smooth and good this year that I think a lot of guys are going to make a lot of putts, and I think you're going to see 15 to 20-under again.
NELSON SILVERIO: We're all set? All right. Thank you, Cameron.

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