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February 20, 2011

Kevin Na


Q. Great putt there at 18 to save the par and finish third. That to a lot of other people might not mean a lot but that's a huge putt.
KEVIN NA: I know exactly what it is, a lot of World Ranking points, some FedExCup Points and some cash on the line. I was pretty proud of myself pulling that off.

Q. Talk to me about the day. You couldn't get anything going?
KEVIN NA: I was very frustrated out there today. I tried to compose myself and I think I did pretty well. The putter just wasn't there. I was putting some putts on the greeting putt and it felt like the putter was kind of staying open through the ball. I tried to correct it out there and I missed about four short ones to the right, and I think that cost me the tournament.

Q. So it was just a bad feel from the beginning, huh?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, but towards the end on the back nine, I got my speed down and I made a couple good putts. I'll take what I can get.

Q. Do you want nine more holes?
KEVIN NA: I think if I played nine more holes -- but Badds has been playing great. He played well, and he deserves it.

Q. How much pressure did you put on yourself say the hour leading up to this round?
KEVIN NA: Well, I feel pretty good. I actually felt better off the tee than I did all week. That's actually what I was worried about was off the tee, but the putter just kind of went cold. Maybe I was trying too hard, and I think that's been the tendency.

Q. You mentioned you were a little bit frustrated today. Obviously going for your first TOUR win, but it looked like you were having fun out there. Was this a fun day?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, it was fun. I really enjoyed playing with Freddie and Aaron, two great guys. I really enjoyed myself out there.

Q. And just talk about being in front of your hometown, around all your friends and family.
KEVIN NA: That was the other thing. I didn't want to let my friends down. Back nine I pulled it together the last few holes, so at least I did something.

Q. If you had to guess how many friends and family are here --
KEVIN NA: I don't know, it was a lot. I'd say close to 100.

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