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February 19, 2011

Kevin Na


Q. That's a great 67 here in the third round.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I played really well today. I did make a few mistakes, but I was able to make plenty of birdies to be okay.

Q. What did happen out there at 12?
KEVIN NA: You know, it's a tough tee shot. 12 is a tough tee shot, and I was trying to hit it -- it requires a fade, but I was trying to hit it down the right with a little draw, down the tree line, but I came out of it and blocked it and it hit the tree and bounced right into the other fairway. I'll try the same shot again tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow I'll hit the fairway.

Q. And that was in the worst conditions?
KEVIN NA: Definitely, that was the worst condition. I only dropped a shot for that bad of a shot, so it was okay.

Q. How do you feel being at 9-under going into the last round?
KEVIN NA: You know, I feel pretty good. I'm playing really well, hitting my irons well, putting well, chipping well. Driver, I need to straighten out a little bit.
Last year my father was diagnosed with leukemia at the end of the year, so hopefully -- well, my mother, he's in Korea right now getting treatment, and my mother is going to Korea next week and hopefully I can give her a trophy so she can give it to him.

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