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January 27, 2011

Pablo Larrazabal


Q. 6-under par opening round, new tournament, new course, tell us a bit about your game today?
PABLO LARRAZÁBAL: I was a little bit -- you know, I played all right, but I didn't hit the driver good, but I managed myself very good on the golf course, only a couple of chances to make bogey, and I made a good save.
It was good, and no bogeys on this golf course, some pin positions were tough, so to go away with no bogeys is very good stuff.

Q. The lay up and of the course and the greens, some very difficult greens to play on?
PABLO LARRAZÁBAL: Yeah, the greens are different, very interesting, some great pin positions are there. If you are not hitting the irons good, you are going to have tricky putts and tricky chip shots.
So just try to play safe when you need to play safe and try to make birdie when you need to do it. So it was a good start. I played not bad, the irons very good, and I'm very pleased for this round.

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