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January 15, 2011

Lukas Dlouchy

Paul Hanley


6-7, 6-3, 10-5

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Talk about winning today. Talk about winning back-to-back titles.
PAUL HANLEY: Yeah, it's amazing. You know, something I think obviously we were hoping to do. But this is a little bit of a shock, to be honest.
No, we're playing really well. Hopefully we can continue down in Melbourne. It starts tomorrow, doesn't it, couple days' time? No, we're playing really well, and I'm really excited.
I'm from Brisbane, so to win in Brisbane and now to back-to-back in Sydney, everyone loves winning their home title. Doing two in a row, I'm still in a little bit of shock, to be honest.

Q. Undefeated in 2011. Must be a good feeling going into the Australian Open.
LUKAS DLOUHY: Yeah, like Paul said, it's exciting because we never lost a match. We are going to play in a Grand Slam with eight matches in our pockets. We just to have focus for the matches like we did these two weeks.
We have to keep it going like easy in the head and not thinking so much about what we have done. We have to look forward to what we have to do so.

Q. New partnership to start the year. Must be extremely pleased with the way it started.
PAUL HANLEY: Yeah, you know, I think Lukas and I, we match up really well. You know, I'm quite -- Lukas is very good from the ground, and I sort of help him a little bit at little bit more at the net.
So, no, it's going well. We're looking forward to what's next.

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