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November 24, 2010

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/N. Djokovic
7-5, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. I guess not the way you expected the match to go after it being 5-All in the first set.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, yeah, for sure I'm very sorry for him, what happened after the 11 first games, in the eye or something like that, I don't remember.
But for me, sure, yeah, is nice. I ask him before during the net what happened. Seemed like something happened, go inside of his eye. After, he didn't see very well, the ball. I gonna ask him later, no?
But for me was a very important victory because my level was high another time, playing very well in the first set especially. For sure is a very important victory for the group because I am in a good position, no?

Q. Knowing that Novak probably had trouble with his eye, was it sort of distracting for you also?
RAFAEL NADAL: Was more distracting for him than for me, no? Was more a problem for him than for me. That's true.
I was playing well. For sure for me is no problem, no? I just had to wait little bit when he went to the toilet. He was in the toilet. But that's all.

Q. You appeared to be asking the umpire some questions at some point. Was that about the kind of technical procedures for these sort of things?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no. Well, he told me I had to go faster between points. And I said, Well, we are in a friendly match. Everybody have a good respect for everybody. We have very good relationship with Novak. I think the medical timeout is three minutes, not seven, like when he went to the toilet. If I wait seven minutes for him, and for me isn't a problem, doesn't going to be a problem if I am five seconds late between points. That's what say to him because he put me pressure that I have to go faster, and I think that's a fair play match.
So if he has a problem and he gonna stop the match in 4-All, I understand perfect for me. Is not a problem. So not going to be a problem if I am late four seconds, five seconds between points. That's what I said to him.

Q. Now you have more opportunities to meet Roger in the final. What do you think about it?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think I am in the group. I won two important matches of the round robin, but I am not qualified. That's the thing, no? I can meet with no one in the semifinals, I can meet with the island of Mallorca in the semifinals, and for sure I can meet with Federer or with everyone in the other group. We're really going to see what happen after tomorrow, no, because I have to I think minimum win a set to be in the semifinal.
So not going to be easy against Tomas.

Q. You're in a very different position this year compared to last year in terms of your form and fitness. When you look back at the year you have, it must seem incredible to have achieved all those things. How do you feel about the year you've had now?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, we're going to think about the year when I finish, no? But anyway, the year was fantastic for me. And finish the season playing well here, like today, is very positive news for me, no? The image of last year was not one of my best. And for sure I really wanted to change that, no?
So I happy because, anyway, if I am not qualifying for semifinals, the image is completely different this year than last year, no? So that's a very positive point. For sure the season was the best season of my career. I win the last three Grand Slams, I win in Monte-Carlo, Rome, Madrid, Tokyo.
So was something impossible to imagine for me last year when I was playing here. So I am very happy for everything and just can say thank you very much, everyone, for the support. The fans and everybody support me when I had problems, injuries. Because of them probably I'm here another time.

Q. Before today Berdych said that he doesn't make any calculation when he plays. He just tries to win. He doesn't know if he is up one set or two games or whatever. What about you? This Masters is a special tournament. You just said you know to win one set will be enough for you. Federer the other day said also said all the things, what is the score, who is going to win. What is your opinion? Who is right, Federer or Berdych?
RAFAEL NADAL: Everybody is right because everybody can have his own opinion and everybody thinks different. No one is equal, no?
So for sure for me I know I have to win a set on Friday, and that's the main one. If I have a chance to win the first set, I finish the match.

Q. You don't relax?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't relax. For me I go on court, try my best. My goal is try to win the match.
For sure if it happen and I win a set, it's a little bit more relaxing for me. But relaxing, I am happy because I am in semifinals, no? But for me is 200 points to win a match, and that's very important for me finish the season with points and have good points in the end of the season.
And the victory of today and the other day is very important for me, 400 points already. That's positive thing. And I have to keep playing well if I really want to have chances to be in semifinals, no, because win a set against Berdych is never going to be easy.

Q. You said the umpire asked you to hurry up between points. That's not the first time that has happened.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, is the number 100 (smiling).

Q. What do you think of that criticism of you, that you are too slow between points?
RAFAEL NADAL: If I am slow, I am slow, and umpire is right (laughter).
I don't have one opinion against that, no? Because if I am late, I am late, and I have to be faster. That's true.
But in the case of today, in particular, I think how the match develops, the situation is completely different, no? And after I waited a lot, he can't came in the next game and say, You have to be faster. C'mon. I waited in 4-4. I waited after when the first set finished.
So for me is strange receive this, yeah, news. When I'm late, umpire say, You have to be fast. I say, Okay, I'm going to try. If not, you can give me the first warning.
That's the game, no?

Q. Maybe you know there is an exhibition of Rafael's painting in the Victoria and Albert Museum. What do you think of your masterpieces and his?
RAFAEL NADAL: Sorry, no.

Q. After the first match you said that you were very tense. Can you take something from your game today to be confident again for the next match?
RAFAEL NADAL: I say before, no, I am really happy how I played because the serve worked much better, especially in the first set. The forehand, I played with less mistakes than the other day, with better rhythm. And the most important thing, closer to the baseline, having more times the control of the points and having the chance to change the directions during the point, no?
So I think was a big change from the first day, the first match, between this one. That's very good news and I'm very happy for that.

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