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August 28, 2010

Simon Dyson


SCOTT CROCKETT: All right, everyone, Simon, thanks for coming in and joining us and congratulations on another good day out here. Just give us your thoughts on the round today. I know there's a lot of other things swirling around in the backgrounds, but just give us your thoughts on the actual round today.
SIMON DYSON: Yeah, it was pretty solid. I got off to a better start than I did yesterday. I made birdie at the second. But you know, I've calmed everything down, birdied the second, got a good up-and-down at the third. I was just hitting the fairways and hitting the greens really, and I had the pace of the greens, as well and gave myself plenty of chances, and when I didn't, my short game was really good and I was knocking them stiff.
It was pretty tricky out there. The wind was blowing quite a bit and it was moving about a bit. And the greens are fast, a little bit bumpy, so, you know, it's not hard to miss like a three- or four-footer.
But, yeah, a good day's work.
SCOTT CROCKETT: In terms of The Ryder Cup situation, everyone knows what you have to do. Enjoying the situation? Are you enjoying the subplot?
SIMON DYSON: I am actually. I know what I've got to do, and it's as simple as that. You know, I'd rather have to win than have to finish in the top 5, because then -- when you know you have to win, that's the only thing on your mind and that's the only thing I'm going for.
SCOTT CROCKETT: Seemed today like yourself and Edoardo are spurring each other on.
SIMON DYSON: Oh, yeah, he's a pleasure to play with. He's a nice lad. He's a great player, really good player. Likewise, he would be an asset for the team, as well, especially playing with his brother.
You know, but yeah, we are both spurring each other on, as well, and he's a good lads and we're friends.

Q. Were you aware that Miguel was having a wobble out there on the back nine? Were you aware at the time what was happening?
SIMON DYSON: Not at all. Not at all. I literally looked at the leaderboard on the 15th and saw that everybody was back to eight. And Miguel's score never entered my mind once. He's playing with Rocky, and I never thought -- oh, I wonder if they are seven or what. You can't really focus on anybody else's score. I'm just literally focusing on my own.

Q. I just wonder if you know where he has to be if you win?
SIMON DYSON: I do know. Tim Barter has just told me.
It doesn't really matter. It doesn't really matter, does it? If I win, I'll look at where he's finished, but if I don't win, then it doesn't matter. But I do know you now.

Q. And Peter Hanson?

Q. (Inaudible.).

Q. Do you think you're going to be aggressive tomorrow or just wait and see how things develop?
SIMON DYSON: I think wait and see how it develops. It was tricky out there. What's the best score out there, 69, is it? All right. Who did that? Ollie Wilson, did he? There were some tricky pins out there, and I'm sure they will be doing exactly the same tomorrow.
So, I mean, for me, I'd probably prefer if it blew like it did today, because I'm quite at home in the wind. So I'd prefer that it was a tough day to be honest.

Q. You played with Edoardo today, would you pick him if you were in Monty's shoes?
SIMON DYSON: Over me? No. But he's a fantastic player. And you know, Francesco is already on the team, they have won the World Cup together; and you can't help just staring at them on TV yesterday; that if he picked him and they played together, they wouldn't lose. And they are comfortable together and know each other's games better than anybody, and it was no surprise that they won the World Cup.
So I don't know whether I'd pick him. I'm not going to say yes and I'm not going to say no, because there's other players that you feel that you could pick, but he would be right up there.
SCOTT CROCKETT: Can't say much more, he's standing at the back of the room now.
SIMON DYSON: No, I wouldn't pick him. (Laughter).

Q. Can you rattle off your winning scores, when you've won tournaments, what you've shot in the last round?
SIMON DYSON: Last round, Indonesia, I think I shot about 2- or 3-under. And first KLM, I think I shot 6 or 7. Second KLM,6. And then Dunhill,7 or 8 was it. No, it was 7-under through eight. I'm just wondering if I picked up another -- 7.
So I wouldn't mind that tomorrow.

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