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July 21, 2004

Mark James


SIMON WILSON: Mark, thanks for coming in this morning, straight from the driving range. How was it going on the range this morning?

MARK JAMES: I would say there was great wind, straight downwind. Actually loosening up.

SIMON WILSON: Were you able to play after your commentation at the British Open?

MARK JAMES: I was hoping to hit some balls, but I got a cold halfway through and I was exhausted after getting up there and wondering where I'm going to play, so I never got to hit any balls. Try to get in today so I'm about ready.

SIMON WILSON: Still on a high after winning in the States?

MARK JAMES: Yeah, still got the same feeling of how nice it was.

SIMON WILSON: Have you played Portrush before?

MARK JAMES: First time.

SIMON WILSON: How did it go yesterday in the Pro Am?

MARK JAMES: It was very difficult. It's obviously a tough course, not particularly long, but plays long and very tight in places. I think whatever conditions, it will be a pretty good test.

Q. In America, did you expect to contend and win this quickly?

MARK JAMES: I wasn't particularly expecting to win at all. I was just I've been playing fairly solidly all year without huge reward. And then the trip before the last one I was fourth in the Senior PGA and third two weeks after that; that was sort of an improvement. The week before I won, I played terrible. I actually putted well to finish top 20. But then suddenly it all dropped into place.

I wasn't expecting to win particularly at all. I was just glad to be playing reasonably well and hoping to continue like that and make Top 30 for next year.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MARK JAMES: It's harder coming back. We have an apartment in the hotel over there, we can cook our own food, get food without cheese on it. It makes it easier. But then it's harder come back, I mean coming back with the time change, it knocks me out for four days changing times so that's probably harder. Coming back, I have to make sure we have at least a two week break.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MARK JAMES: Yeah, pretty much most of the time.

Q. What did you think of Todd Hamilton's win at the Open?

MARK JAMES: Yeah, fantastic, he played brilliantly.

Q. Do you think more players in the field should be winning inaudible?

MARK JAMES: I don't think 70s or 80s personally. I think Bill Rogers won in '81 and that was a little unexpected. You get players in there. I don't think it's happening anymore. You'd expect it to happen a lot more these days because of the depths of the fields. It should happen all the time, but it doesn't. So I think actually the top players come to the top more often than they have ever done.

Q. After Monty's play inaudible good form for the Ryder Cup?

MARK JAMES: Oh, he's shaping up very well.

Q. Top 25 European inaudible?

MARK JAMES: I don't really think it's much difference who is where. I'm looking at the names on the list and the team looks to be shaping up to get the best players at the top. They are good enough to perform well and have a good chance of winning.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MARK JAMES: I have no idea. I think you'd have to ask Monty that. He would be the only one would could give you an actual answer and you could probably embellish it quite considerably. I wouldn't like to speak for another player on that score. Not to avoid the question, but I'd like to avoid the question.

Q. You and Monty

MARK JAMES: If we were both captain, if Monty showed form, I would really want him on the side. He's performed brilliantly for however many, the last five Ryder Cups he's been in, or six. If he's showing form, I would want him in without question; that's my own personal view.

Q. (Inaudible.)

MARK JAMES: I don't think I would ever look at a player for this time of year and say he's showing form for the wild card. I'd have to look at the end of August when the team is chosen.

Q. What does it mean to be Ryder Cup Captain to play in the Ryder Cup?

MARK JAMES: It's great. It's the ultimate team event, certainly in our sport. And then you know like in many other sports, being captain is a great honor and something I enjoyed. Everything about it, it's the sort of peak of our profession when it comes to teams, and just to be involved in any respect is a thrill.

Q. What's your opinion of this particular course?

MARK JAMES: I think it definitely suits the straight hitter who has a good week on the greens. (Laughing).

Q. How fast are the greens, do you think?

MARK JAMES: I think 9 1/2 or 10. I saw Gordon Brand, Sr., Doing the Stimpmeter reading out there, he would have the exact reading, but I think they are putting after the rain last night.

End of FastScripts.

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