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July 10, 2010
Q. First of all, I've got to ask about your hat and you shirt.
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: I'm sponsored by Major League, so I wear different teams in different cities.
Q. Where have you had the most luck? Have the Pirates brought you luck?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: I would have to say that Giants.
Q. Are you a baseball fan?
Q. Have you seen any games in Pittsburgh?
Q. (Indiscernible.)
Q. What's your plan of attack these couple days?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: My plan of attack? Well, basically, try to play against this golf course, because you can't focus on anybody else. You have to put so much energy towards the course.
You just have to keep (indiscernible.)
Q. What hole were you on when you stopped yesterday?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: I had just finished the first hole, yeah.
Q. How tough is it coming off and restarting again?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: It's not bad. It's not bad. But it's gonna be very difficult this afternoon. This is not a course you want to play 36 holes on.
Q. But you don't expect to get that many in, do you? You'll probably be a later start.
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Well, I don't know how they're going to do the tee times.
Q. I think they said they're gonna start at 5:30 with the leaders. The leaders are probably going to go off about 5:30 or so.
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: I think it's probably earlier.
Q. You think it's earlier? Okay. But you probably won't get 18 in today, right?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: I just don't know if they're gonna start it later since it's a (indiscernible) hour window. So they might, you know, mix it up.
Q. What are you planning to do this afternoon between now and when you think you might start?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Well, I'm just gonna hang around here because (indiscernible.)
Q. That last putt on 18, how far was it?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Probably seven, six, seven feet.
Q. How close did you come?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Two inches maybe.
Q. Does the course get harder throughout the day? Has it dried out a bit?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: No. It played pretty similar. The last three holes might've dried out a little bit from this morning.
They're softer than what it was yesterday.
Q. When the greens are softer, that's good. But when the fairways get softer it doesn't roll as much, right? Are you losing distance in the fairways at all?
SOPHIE GUSTAFSON: Yeah. That's not a big deal.
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