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June 10, 2010

Tim Petrovic


Q. Tim, this is becoming a good habit, talking to you after a round. Another good round.
TIM PETROVIC: If I can keep talking to you guys after each round, we're doing something right. Just trying to conserve energy and just try to keep it boring, fairways and greens, you know.
Petro golf, I guess. I heard a lot of that last week. Kind of like went down the line. That's what I'm trying to do. Made one bad swing on one tee box, hit it in the bunker and played a bogey, but other than that, it was pretty good.

Q. Always nice when you start with a 30-footer on the first hole. Kind of really get the motor going when you have to get up this early, right?
TIM PETROVIC: Yeah. Just kind of got up, and I was just trying to roll it up there and thought I was going to be a little short and kept going and went right in over the front. Said, oh, here we go.

Q. Made birdies at 3 and 4. Just really, again, boring golf that works. This is the kind of golf course where it is, fairways and greens keep it out of trouble kind of place.
TIM PETROVIC: Anywhere. Any course, fairways and greens. Birdies are never boring, but the way I'm getting it there is just trying to -- keep it a vanilla, fairways and greens. Just conserve energy. Still a little tired from last week, but I feel like I played like 100 holes last week into this week. I was at U.S. Open qualifier. Feel pretty good. Trying to get my legs back.

Q. This was the day to get this course this morning, wasn't it?
TIM PETROVIC: Yeah. There wasn't any wind. It's cool. You're not going to get any cooler than this. So it's pretty comfortable out there. Greens are receptive. Fairways are rolling a little bit. The course is in great shape.

Q. This tournament, of course, is for the kids of St Jude's. You have children. It's on your back for every child. Tell me about it.
TIM PETROVIC: For Every Child is a charity that my wife and I started. We make things for abandoned foster kids, kids that don't have anyplace to turn, and give them a Hope Tote Bag with new clothes, supplies. Kind of gives them a three-day head start, and the kids that are under five get handmade quilts. We have a group of people, we call them stitchers, across the country, and they do blankets and put them in the bag, tie them up, and the kids just love them. It's really something special for them.

Q. That's wonderful. Your heart is in the right place this week, and good luck to you.
TIM PETROVIC: Absolutely. Thanks.

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