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May 30, 2010

Bill Glasson


Q. Some comments on your final round today.
BILL GLASSON: I felt real good. I played well starting out of the box and was really calm, surprisingly. It helps when you have two great guys to play with, that helps a lot when you're playing with guys that you like and have known for a long time.
I just got a little sideways, I hit a couple bad shots in the middle of the round. I bogeyed three out of four holes during the stretch, but I made some birdies again and that was the good thing.
I guess generally the only real disappointment was that I played the three -- I birdied No. 1, the other three par-5s I had mid irons into and struggled to make pars on all of them. So I felt like I gave quite a few shots away on that point.

Q. How do you feel physically doing all this walking?
BILL GLASSON: I've had my trainer with me this week and it was worth the investment to do that. And I think it made a huge difference getting stretched.
And I don't feel that bad, but tomorrow I probably won't be able to move. That's what happened the first tournament I played a few weeks ago. I thought I felt pretty good after the tournament and I think that the adrenaline kind of masked the pain. But I couldn't get out of bed for four days. So I expect probably the same thing here.

Q. What does it mean to you to overcome such injuries you've had?
BILL GLASSON: Well I lost a little confidence, I struggled through a good portion of the round and I didn't execute on the par-5s on the back and I still have a long way to go.

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