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May 22, 2010

Jacques Martin


Q. Can you talk about the second period and what you think the troubles were there?
COACH MARTIN: Well, the troubles were we didn't get the puck in deep in the second period. We turned the puck numerous times. We played in what you call a danger zone, if you ask me. The blue lines are usually dangerous zone. Your own blue line you've got to get pucks out, and the offensive line you've got to get puck in deep. When you look at both their goals in the second period, were both turnovers on our part.
I give them credit. They played a strong game today. They did a lot of the little things right.

Q. The fact you were down 3?1 and 3?2 in the two previous Series, does that give you confidence in this Series?
COACH MARTIN: Yeah, I think we'll have to regroup. We know how we have to play, and I think we need certain areas of our game that needs to be better. We'll analyze this game today and dissect it, and bring some solution and be ready to compete on Monday night.

Q. On Philadelphia's second goal, is PK being a little bit too anxious there to try to make something happen, or is somebody supposed to be rotating into his spot when he does something like that?
COACH MARTIN: I think it comes down to what I was saying earlier, not managing our puck well. It was near the end of a shift, and we didn't get the puck in deep. It's a turnover. He's a young kid that wants to do well, has the heart at the right place. It's learning for him; It's experience and realizing that in a game like tonight you've got to be patient. You've got to make the right decisions. I'm sure he knows that. It's a good learning situation for him.

Q. (Question in French).
COACH MARTIN: Tom Pyatt's upper body will be reevaluated tomorrow.

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