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May 23, 2010

Blake Adams


THE MODERATOR: Blake, thanks for taking time to come in. Rough day today, but still your best finish on TOUR. If you would talk about your round and what you're going to take out of this week, and it looks like you have company here today.
BLAKE ADAMS: That's right. That's right. It was a good week all in all; I can't complain. I had a chance to win, didn't. You know, I didn't hit it very well again. My driver just wasn't as sharp as it normally is, the last two days, and that's what kinda hurt me the most. You know, all in all throughout the week, I putted pretty good. I can learn a lot from it, a lot of positives, and it wasn't my week. Hats off to Jason Day, and I'll try again next week.

Q. Can you introduce your friend?
BLAKE ADAMS: This is my little boy, Jake. He is almost 3; he will be 3 in June, and that's my girl Libby, and my wife Beth. They flew in this morning, and this little fellow hasn't seen me in a while and he's my shadow right now.

Q. Blake run us through the tee ball at 18.
BLAKE ADAMS: The wind was blowing from left to right, that whole doesn't suit my eye the best, that's why I've hit three-wood every day, and I pushed it a little bit, the wind got it, it kicked pretty hard right. But I was fortunate I had a wide-open shot, but I had some overhanging limbs and the ball was sitting on hard pan. It was a good thing, but it was sitting in a dip, and the ball shot up, hit a limb and threw it left, so I can beat myself up over it, but it leads back to that 3-wood. If I hit a good 3-wood, it's a different story. So I'll work on it and move forward.

Q. Did your thought process change after Jason's shot?
BLAKE ADAMS: To be honest with you, I didn't know that he was in the water. It wouldn't have mattered because my shot was the same shot. If he was sitting there 2 feet or -- I had one option. So I hit the same shot -- I actually couldn't fire at the flag, but I was going kind of middle of the green and it just came out a little awkward. It went in the water.

Q. Is there a reason you're wearing black today?
BLAKE ADAMS: My father passed away in 2004; it was Masters Sunday, Easter Sunday, the year that Mickelson won, and I've always worn black on Sunday, regardless if I was in first place, last place, didn't matter. Last year I kind of steered away from it one time, and I was leading in Boise, and it was a hot day so I wore white. I played like a dog, so I went back to all black and just so that when things are good or bad I can think about my dad.

Q. Six months from now, maybe a year from now, what do you think you'll remember most from this week?
BLAKE ADAMS: You know, just it's my first time here, you know, I was always a big fan of Mr. Nelson, and this is a tournament I always wanted to show up and play in, but it's a learning experience. Hopefully I can use the good putting I had or some of the good bunker shots or wedges I hit and move forward. This will be a special place; it's my best finish. Hopefully I can improve on it for years to come.

Q. You were part of the story, playing with BLAKE ADAMS. Is that what you'll think about?
BLAKE ADAMS: Absolutely. It was a great week. I played the first two days with Jordan. I had huge crowds. Even at 7:15 on our restart there was a big crowd, so it was a great week all in all, and I learned a lot about myself. Yes, I was in the last two groups the last two days, but I wasn't nervous, I just didn't play well. I was just kinda calm and, you know, I was really pleasantly pleased with how my emotions were, so I was even keel the whole week, and learn from it and move on.
THE MODERATOR: Thanks you.

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