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April 14, 2010

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/T. De Bakker
6-1, 6-0

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Rafa.

Q. Are you surprised about how Kohlschreiber beat Murray?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the result, sure. But Kohlschreiber is a very good player on clay. He has a very good potential, too. To play against him in first round, especially for Andy, I think is a bad draw. Seems was like this.

Q. Are you surprised by how easily you won?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, yes, 6-1, 6-0, you never expect win like this against a good opponent like De Bakker. He pass the qualify, won a good match yesterday. I expected it to be a bit tougher, harder match.
But I think I played well. I played very solid match, no mistakes, having good movements, good directions. I think I played really well.

Q. How was it to be back here on center court?
RAFAEL NADAL: Like every year, is very special to come back to this tournament. This tournament is one of my favorites. I said all my life, anyway, before I came here and I won for the first time, when I came here in 2003, I said for me, no, Monte-Carlo is one of the tournaments that I really want to play when I was a kid. When I did in 2003, was a dream in that moment.
For sure, every year when I come back here as a player, and for sure after five victories, is like very nice memories, no?

Q. This court especially, do you like it, the view?
RAFAEL NADAL: I like the atmosphere in general, no? Here you feel you are in a club, what is different. It's nice to be in the big tournaments with huge stadiums. But here, you are in a club, and that makes the tournament really special.
I'm sure Monaco is one of the more special cities or countries of the world. So just be here, the atmosphere, the views are unbelievable. For me to be here is for sure a pleasure.

Q. You play Berrer next round.
RAFAEL NADAL: I think Juan didn't play one of his best matches. I spoke with him later in the locker, and having lunch. He didn't play his best. Michael is a good player. He's a fighter. He's a good player from the baseline. He can play well. He can play very well.
You know, I think is a little bit surprise, but Berrer is a very good player, too.

Q. You beat him recently, Berrer.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, last year in Indian Wells.

Q. You beat him quite easily on hard court. What do you expect on clay from him?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think he is better on clay.

Q. Better?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I think so. He play with a lot of topspin. No, he is a good player. He play from the baseline. He has a good serve. He's a lefty, too.
And like every match, try my best and we will see what's happen. Only thing for me is still play like this.

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